This is a little far out, but who knows?

===========RUMOR MILL NEWS AGENCY===========


April 20, 2000

>From Rayelan:

Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

The following was sent to me by a regular reader. After reading it, I was prompted to put into words EVERYTHING I was told today.

My sources gave me a lot more information than I put into the first email -- I will add the rest of their information after the following -- From a Rumor Mill News Reader:


<<< Hi: I have been calling the Gore office for the past two weeks posing as a concerned Democrat, (which is not the case) stating to them that our family and others, Mexicans, Jews, etc. will NOT vote for Gore if Elian is taken from Miami. I have other friends calling too.

Their office was very upset and may be putting the pressure on in INS and Reno because of the Nov. election.

They , the leftists, pro-commies, are worried that Gore may not be elected because the U.S. Mexicans are turning against Clinton/Gore/Reno on this issue of Elian being taken from Miami and the leftists don't want bad press, because they want their votes in Calif. and the Cubans' votes in Fla. , which they will not get if he is stolen from the Miami house.

The toll-free number for Congress and Gore is 1-888-449-3511. Keep bombarding them with calls! Have all your people call Gore's office on Fri. to say they will NOT vote for Gore if he does not pressure Clinton and Reno to keep Elian in Miami, and also call all the Demos. & Reps. who are for keeping him in Miami away from the clutches of his Father, who is really Castro, and tell them that we agree that he should be kept in Miami for his safety. Thanks, >>>>>

>From Rayelan:

After I read this email from a colleague, I felt I needed to tell the rest of what I was told today. Two separate people imparted information today. Both agreed that what the people in power are really afraid of is not Miami riots -- it is something else -- something so big that the people in power will do anything to keep the lid on it --

In other words -- keeping our attention focused on Elian -- will keep our attention off something else -- If the "Elian Rescue Mission" turns into a Waco type standoff-- the media will be tied up for weeks -- maybe months -- This will give the people in power the time to try to disfuse the scandal that is just about to leap full blown into public awareness.

While riots over Elian are going on -- the American people won't have any idea what is really happening --

I was also being told today that a low yield, back pack nuke may be used in LA -- not above ground -- but below -- to cause an earthquake. Shortly after I was told this, I received an email from Mitch Battos stating that the conditions going on around the earth -- as caused by the sun -- could cause earthquakes.

The big Southern California earthquake -- in the early 90's -- the one that caused the earth to shoot straight up and then fall back, was probably caused by a very small nuclear device. I bet that one was just a test run -- Can you imagine what would happen if a medium size -- low yield nuclear device was used to cause an earthquake in the LA basin?

Placed in the right location -- this quake could even open a fissure to the ocean -- and the LA Basin would slowly become a lake -- This lake could eventually fill up other California low lands -- maybe even the bread basket of the world -- the San Joaquin valley --

Something that farmers in the southern part of the Valley know, is that there is a virus attacking certain crops. No one is talking about it -- but could flooding the area keep the virus from spreading to the rest of the nation?

That could be the cover story that is being given to the planning group to get them to go along with a nuclear created LA earthquake -- sacrifice thousands to save millions -- I think Truman used the same story when he dropped the bombs on Japan.

However -- it is my belief that the virus is PART of the plan to keep the United States from being able to grow its own food --

If someone is trying to flood an area of California -- their cover tory -- just in case the truth about the fake earthquake ever came out -- would be that our government was trying to isolate the virus and keep it from spreading. I won't believe the cover story.

I don't think that whoever is behind detonating a low yield, medium size nuke in the LA area -- in order to cause an earthquake -- would do this to STOP the plan to end agriculture in The United States --

The "End of Agriculture in the United States" is vital to the implementation of the One World Government. Americans will have to depend on other countries for their food. When this happens -- Americans won't be able to launch wars or exploit other countries. If they do, their food will be cut off. In other words -- the NWO thinks that if the world is interdependent -- rather than INDEPENDENT -- The world will get along a whole lot better. At least this is the cover story they give to their useful idiots.

Can you believe there are some kind hearted people who actually know about this plan and go along with it because they believe this is the only way to bring peace to the planet? These people -- many of whom are working with the United Nations or the NGO's -- are so innocent they can't believe that a group of people could actually cause starvation throughout this nation for no other reason than to destroy it, control it and enslave the survivors.

People who have never heard of John Hersey's book, White Lotus, should find a copy at a used book store and read it. It is out of print and I was told it will not be re-released. When you know what it is about you will understand why. It is about the destruction of the United States and the enslavement of Americans by the Chinese.

I won't believe the "earthquake cover story", because I don't think the virus will be killed or contained by flooding the area where the virus is located. I think that as the water slowly creeps into other low lying areas and waterways, the virus will spread -- eventually wiping out all of California's agriculture. In other words, the cover story has already been proven NOT to stop the spread of the virus.

Since analysts have already reached the same conclusion I have reached and people in power know that flooding the area of California where the virus is present will not kill the virus -- but will spread it -- then why would someone choose this time to cause such a devastating catastrophe?

Only desparate people could do things like this.

I have been stating for about a month now that we are in a six week period when a massive scandal could be released -- If my sources are right -- this scandal will cause many people to end up in prison. If the people who are facing massive jail time are the same ones who are in power right now -- they will do anything to stay in power.

If a Miami riot doesn't do the trick -- then they will try an earthquake in California --

If that doesn't stop the people who are exposing the scandal -- then what will be next -- An invasion from Mexico? The Aztlan Liberation Army at our southern borders with their inside agents causing massive terrorist attacks?

The states on the southern borders could soon resemble Syria, Lebanon and Israel -- missiles flying back and forth over the border.

If the people who are doing the investigation continue their investigation, the people in power will make sure that so much chaos and destruction fills people's lives that scandals won't mean anything.

If my sources are right about this -- then the whole Miami thing is being orchestrated to show the scandal exposers what lies in store for the United States if they keep trying to expose what the people in power have done -- In other words -- the people who are trying to expose the biggest scandal in the history of the world -- are being blackmailed.

If you were one of these scandal exposers -- what would you do? Would you allow thousands -- maybe even millions of people to die -- or would you stop your investigations? -- If the men who have supplied Rumor Mill News with information since 1996 are part of this investigation, I know them well enough to know they won't back down.

We are seeing a war going on behind the scenes right now. If we are lucky the two factions will strike some kind of a deal that will keep destruction from visiting our shores once again.

If a deal is struck the United States will be spared chaos and destruction, but sadly, the people who should go to jail for life, will probably just agree to get out of public life forever, and the scandal will not be exposed. As I said earlier, the men I know cannot be bluffed, blackmailed or threatened. They have already accepted the fact that their families could be held hostage to force them to back down. This is why most of them have no families anymore. This is why many of them have turned their own children against them. In some cases their very children are cooperating with their enemies. These men have hardened their hearts so well that nothing could keep them from completing their mission.

If the men I know are like this -- you can be sure their opponents are just as hardened.

I have been given no idea what the possible outcome will be -- Nor do I know what the huge scandal is.

Today is the first time one of my sources has spent so much time talking to me, since November of last year -- Evidently the people who provide me with information wanted the people who are orchestrating the "Elian Rescue Mission" to realize that they are being used as part of a bigger plan to cover up something far bigger than all the Clinton scandals combined -- Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine, campaign financing, and giving the Chinese technology that gives them weapons that can destroy the United States.

I think my sources also want the various Cuban factions to realize that they too are being used Even Castro is being used

Since Rumor Mill News is read by governments around the world I believe my sources want this information to reach involved people world wide --- including the people who are doing the investigations. This is only speculation on my part.

Just remember, my source never really accused Bill Clinton or his administration -- he always used the expression -- "The people in power" --

This could be interpreted in many different ways -- The "people in power" could be the New World Order, the Illuminati, the owners of the member banks of the Federal Reserve System, all of the above -- or a group we know nothing about.

I have always said that Rumor Mill News tries to expose things before they have a chance to happen. I hope that this is the case this time

What should we be looking for as a sign of the war behind the scenes?

+ Major corporations closing or selling off major parts of their companies

+ Government proprietaries buying back their stock

+ A rash of plane crashes

+ Resignations from elected positions -- the people stating they want to spend more time with their families.

+ A third party ticket so powerful and attractive that it could win -- not just the presidency -- but all of Congress and the state legislatures too.

The traitors are scared stiff -- we cannot stop our information assault. We are hitting them from all sides keep it up keep it up.

Rayelan, Publisher Rumor Mill News

============The Uncensored National Rumor=========== P.O. Box 1784<>Aptos, CA<>95001 831.462.3949 TelFax

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I also recommend bookmarking the RMNews_Daily_Emails, because these emails represent a cross section of the news, ranging from the far right to the far left --- with everything in between.

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I hope this gives you all the information that you need to make a decision.

Rayelan Allan, Publisher Rumor Mill News Agency

April 20, 2000

>From Rayelan:

Dear Rumor Mill News Readers,

The following was sent to me by a regular reader. After reading it, I was prompted to put into words EVERYTHING I was told today.

My sources gave me a lot more information than I put into the first email -- I will add the rest of their information after the following -- From a Rumor Mill News Reader:


<<< Hi: I have been calling the Gore office for the past two weeks posing as a concerned Democrat, (which is not the case) stating to them that our family and others, Mexicans, Jews, etc. will NOT vote for Gore if Elian is taken from Miami. I have other friends calling too.

Their office was very upset and may be putting the pressure on in INS and Reno because of the Nov. election.

They , the leftists, pro-commies, are worried that Gore may not be elected because the U.S. Mexicans are turning against Clinton/Gore/Reno on this issue of Elian being taken from Miami and the leftists don't want bad press, because they want their votes in Calif. and the Cubans' votes in Fla. , which they will not get if he is stolen from the Miami house.

The toll-free number for Congress and Gore is 1-888-449-3511. Keep bombarding them with calls! Have all your people call Gore's office on Fri. to say they will NOT vote for Gore if he does not pressure Clinton and Reno to keep Elian in Miami, and also call all the Demos. & Reps. who are for keeping him in Miami away from the clutches of his Father, who is really Castro, and tell them that we agree that he should be kept in Miami for his safety. Thanks, >>>>>

>From Rayelan:

After I read this email from a colleague, I felt I needed to tell the rest of what I was told today. Two separate people imparted information today. Both agreed that what the people in power are really afraid of is not Miami riots -- it is something else -- something so big that the people in power will do anything to keep the lid on it --

In other words -- keeping our attention focused on Elian -- will keep our attention off something else -- If the "Elian Rescue Mission" turns into a Waco type standoff-- the media will be tied up for weeks -- maybe months -- This will give the people in power the time to try to disfuse the scandal that is just about to leap full blown into public awareness.

While riots over Elian are going on -- the American people won't have any idea what is really happening --

I was also being told today that a low yield, back pack nuke may be used in LA -- not above ground -- but below -- to cause an earthquake. Shortly after I was told this, I received an email from Mitch Battos stating that the conditions going on around the earth -- as caused by the sun -- could cause earthquakes.

The big Southern California earthquake -- in the early 90's -- the one that caused the earth to shoot straight up and then fall back, was probably caused by a very small nuclear device. I bet that one was just a test run -- Can you imagine what would happen if a medium size -- low yield nuclear device was used to cause an earthquake in the LA basin?

Placed in the right location -- this quake could even open a fissure to the ocean -- and the LA Basin would slowly become a lake -- This lake could eventually fill up other California low lands -- maybe even the bread basket of the world -- the San Joaquin valley --

Something that farmers in the southern part of the Valley know, is that there is a virus attacking certain crops. No one is talking about it -- but could flooding the area keep the virus from spreading to the rest of the nation?

That could be the cover story that is being given to the planning group to get them to go along with a nuclear created LA earthquake -- sacrifice thousands to save millions -- I think Truman used the same story when he dropped the bombs on Japan.

However -- it is my belief that the virus is PART of the plan to keep the United States from being able to grow its own food --

If someone is trying to flood an area of California -- their cover tory -- just in case the truth about the fake earthquake ever came out -- would be that our government was trying to isolate the virus and keep it from spreading. I won't believe the cover story.

I don't think that whoever is behind detonating a low yield, medium size nuke in the LA area -- in order to cause an earthquake -- would do this to STOP the plan to end agriculture in The United States --

The "End of Agriculture in the United States" is vital to the implementation of the One World Government. Americans will have to depend on other countries for their food. When this happens -- Americans won't be able to launch wars or exploit other countries. If they do, their food will be cut off. In other words -- the NWO thinks that if the world is interdependent -- rather than INDEPENDENT -- The world will get along a whole lot better. At least this is the cover story they give to their useful idiots.

Can you believe there are some kind hearted people who actually know about this plan and go along with it because they believe this is the only way to bring peace to the planet? These people -- many of whom are working with the United Nations or the NGO's -- are so innocent they can't believe that a group of people could actually cause starvation throughout this nation for no other reason than to destroy it, control it and enslave the survivors.

People who have never heard of John Hersey's book, White Lotus, should find a copy at a used book store and read it. It is out of print and I was told it will not be re-released. When you know what it is about you will understand why. It is about the destruction of the United States and the enslavement of Americans by the Chinese.

I won't believe the "earthquake cover story", because I don't think the virus will be killed or contained by flooding the area where the virus is located. I think that as the water slowly creeps into other low lying areas and waterways, the virus will spread -- eventually wiping out all of California's agriculture. In other words, the cover story has already been proven NOT to stop the spread of the virus.

Since analysts have already reached the same conclusion I have reached and people in power know that flooding the area of California where the virus is present will not kill the virus -- but will spread it -- then why would someone choose this time to cause such a devastating catastrophe?

Only desparate people could do things like this.

I have been stating for about a month now that we are in a six week period when a massive scandal could be released -- If my sources are right -- this scandal will cause many people to end up in prison. If the people who are facing massive jail time are the same ones who are in power right now -- they will do anything to stay in power.

If a Miami riot doesn't do the trick -- then they will tyr an earthquake in California --

If that doesn't stop the people who are exposing the scandal -- then what will be next -- An invasion from Mexico? The Aztlan Liberation Army at our southern borders with their inside agents causing massive terrorist attacks?

The states on the southern borders could soon resemble Syria, Lebanon and Israel -- missiles flying back and forth over the border.

If the people who are doing the investigation continue their investigation, the people in power will make sure that so much chaos and destruction fills people's lives that scandals won't mean anything.

If my sources are right about this -- then the whole Miami thing is being orchestrated to show the scandal exposers what lies in store for the United States if they keep trying to expose what the people in power have done -- In other words -- the people who are trying to expose the biggest scandal in the history of the world -- are being blackmailed.

If you were one of these scandal exposers -- what would you do? Would you allow thousands -- maybe even millions of people to die -- or would you stop your investigations? -- If the men who have supplied Rumor Mill News with information since 1996 are part of this investigation, I know them well enough to know they won't back down.

We are seeing a war going on behind the scenes right now. If we are lucky the two factions will strike some kind of a deal that will keep destruction from visiting our shores once again

If a deal is struck the United States will be spared chaos and destruction, but sadly, the people who should go to jail for life, will probably just agree to get out of public life forever, and the scandal will not be exposed. As I said earlier, the men I know cannot be bluffed, blackmailed or threatened. They have already accepted the fact that their families could be held hostage to force them to back down. This is why most of them have no families anymore. This is why many of them have turned their own children against them. In some cases their very children are cooperating with their enemies. These men have hardened their hearts so well that nothing could keep them from completing their mission.

If the men I know are like this -- you can be sure their opponents are just as hardened.

I have been given no idea what the possible outcome will be -- Nor do I know what the huge scandal is.

Today is the first time one of my sources has spent so much time talking to me, since November of last year -- Evidently the people who provide me with information wanted the people who are archestrating the "Elian Rescue Mission" to realize that they are being used as part of a bigger plan to cover up something far bigger than all the Clinton scandals combined -- Waco, Oklahoma City, Columbine, campaign financing, and giving the Chinese technology that gives them weapons that can destroy the United States.

I think my sources also want the various Cuban factions to realize that they too are being used Even Castro is being used

Since Rumor Mill News is read by governments around the world I believe my sources want this information to reach involved people world wide --- including the people who are doing the investigations. This is only speculation on my part.

Just remember, my source never really accused Bill Clinton or his administration -- he always used the expression -- "The people in power" --

This could be interpreted in many different ways -- The "people in power" could be the New World Order, the Illuminati, the owners of the member banks of the Federal Reserve System, all of the above -- or a group we know nothing about.

I have always said that Rumor Mill News tries to expose things before they have a chance to happen. I hope that this is the case this time

What should we be looking for as a sign of the war behind the scenes?

+ Major corporations closing or selling off major parts of their companies

+ Government proprietaries buying back their stock

+ A rash of plane crashes

+ Resignations from elected positions -- the people stating they want to spend more time with their families.

+ A third party ticket so powerful and attractive that it could win -- not just the presidency -- but all of Congress and the state legislatures too.

The traitors are scared stiff -- we cannot stop our information assault. We are hitting them from all sides keep it up keep it up.

Rayelan, Publisher Rumor Mill News

============The Uncensored National Rumor=========== P.O. Box 1784<>Aptos, CA<>95001 831.462.3949 TelFax

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), April 21, 2000


to the top!!!

-- (, April 21, 2000.

Nut Alert! Nut Alert!

-- gilda (, April 21, 2000.

Easy there...did the poster say this was fact or fiction? As fiction, it ain't half bad. Besides nuts are good for all us squirrels.

-- Those (, April 21, 2000.

Hey as fiction it is hilarious. But those nutty Cuban-Americans will do anything to aggravate Castro, and nobody here has the guts to call them on their law breaking. Ending up in a war over this kid would not be a very good solution to the problem.

-- gilda (, April 21, 2000.

It was a long post and I skimmed it, but I think I got the basic jist:

If you don't vote for Gore, a low level nuclear device will be detonated just beneath Fidel Castro so that food can't be grown in his hair.


-- CJS (, April 21, 2000.

Gilda, you are too funny to be real - are you a fruitcake artificial unintelligence program turned loose on the 'net? That "poor, poor" Castro gentleman, those "damned" Cuban-American instigators. Let me get this straight, You hate Cuban-Americans, Christians, unborn children (and born as well perhaps, excluding yourself?). Do you wear a tinfoil hat? ;)

-- FactFinder (, April 21, 2000.

I just love these conspiracy nuts,

Sitting round on their fat fucking butts.

Giving truth a big hit,

They come up with this shit,

Laughing hard from deep down in their guts!

-- Ra (tion@l.1), April 22, 2000.

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