Who wants to make a prediction?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

First off, belated thanks to OTFR for setting up this board. I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and it's nice to see quite a few of the old denizens unsheathing their mental swords.

As there seems to be a decent cross section of posters here (except for a lack of Ca-nay-juns), I thought I would resurrect the old TB game of predicting the future. Except, in keeping with the broader reach of this board, I won't bother asking about things like how long the grid will go down....when Klinton will declare Martial Law...

So, when the clock ticks over to the true Millennium - 1 Jan 2001 - what are your predictions:

1. President Gore or President Bush

2. Senator Clinton or Senator Guliani

3a. Closing level of the Dow 3b. Closing level of the NASDAQ 3c. Closing level of the TSE (token question for the Canadian lurkers - g)

4. Elian in Havana or Miami

5. Price (US$ per Gal) of gasoline

6. The odds that the Yankees *won't* be in the World Series

Bonus Question: Will Jean Poutine (AKA Chretien) resign?

--My predictions:

Bush / Clinton / 13,000 - 4500 - 11,000 / Miami / $1.50 / Zero / Yes


Johnny - who almost felt sorry for the Sabres......

-- Johnny Canuck (j_canuck@hotmail.com), April 21, 2000


Welcome back, Johnny.

Gore/Neither/12,842/4700/?/$1.41/yankees will NOT be in the world series/no

Go Devils!

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), April 21, 2000.

1. President Bush

2. Senator Guliani

3. Closing level for Dow: 1,000 Closing level for NASDAQ -000

4. Who cares?

5. Price U.S. gallon of gasoline: $3.00 per gallon, when available.

6. Odds that the Yankees won't be in the World Series: 1,000,000 to 1.

7. Will Chretien resign? Yes, in disgrace.

-- Uncle Fred (dogboy45@bigfoot.com), April 21, 2000.

Here's a prediction and it's a known fact.

Most people will go straight TO HELL.

Remember the gates will swing wide

-- God (god@heaven.knows), April 21, 2000.

Bush / Giuliani / 9,600 - 2000 - ??? / Miami / $1.90 / 5:8 / Haven't followed the story...

-- DeeEmBee (macbeth1@pacbell.net), April 21, 2000.

1. Bush is already locked in for president.

2-6. Since the Bush family "New World Order" basically controls everything that happens, you'll have to ask him about the rest.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 21, 2000.

A limerick Ra hasn't yet added

To this thread for to pad it

Therefore, I'll try

With help from on high

To place one under Hawk's Mad Lib.


-- Someone (ChimingIn@twocents.cam), April 21, 2000.

oops-forgot to answer the Elian question:

Don't care

-- FutureShock (gray@matter.think), April 21, 2000.

What the heck, I'll take a shot.

1. Gore (not that I want him, but think he will win)

2. Giuliani

3. Dow 12200 Nasdaq 5000 TSE don't know

4. Havana

5. Gas $1.25

6. 14 to 1 (hate the Yankees)

Bonus: have no idea

-- Buddy (buddydc@go.com), April 21, 2000.


Are you implying that Klintoon and Al Bore aren't also NWO? They are NWO to the core, as is Shrubya. For some time, most Presidents and HUGE numbers of their staffs and appointees have been NWO/TLC/CFR and Bilderberg members. I saw a list of them for the Reagan administration and was absolutely shocked. It's worse now. People who deny that this is going on are deluding themselves and sealing our fate as soon-to-be Globalization slaves.

-- Flash (Flash@flash.hq), April 21, 2000.

Well what have we here, Hawk and Flash,

Delusional morons so brash.

Yep, were doomed dont ya know,

By the old NWO,

You two fools are just plain trailer trash!

-- Ra (tion@l.1), April 21, 2000.

Easy Ra. I'm usually one of your fans. On the other hand, I may sometimes also agree with Hawk when he is in "adult mode". For that matter, are you responding to my post in "adult mode"? Why bash me just because I happen to agree with him about the NWO? I've studied the issue for quite a while. Have you? I can agree or disagree with you or Hawk on various issues without feeling the need to ridicule someone.

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), April 21, 2000.

For poor little Mikey, thinkin' comes pretty hard,

everyone 'cept him, knows he is a retard.

He changed his name to Ra, to try to be smart,

but the only thing he knows, is how to eat, shit, and fart.

His tiny little mind is so mutha-frickin dim,

even certified idiots are much brighter than him.

He wanted to be a pilot, but they said "you're too ignorant",

so now he sweeps up metal shavings at the Boeing plant.

Everything he reads, he doesn't understand,

so he gets on the forum, with his weenie in his hand.

He gets really mad that everyone is so bright,

so he calls them silly names, and tries to pick a fight.

He feels really left out, always being so ignored,

so he jerks himself off, on his sticky keyboard.

Then he realizes, he's a worthless piece of shit,

but he's still too dumb to know, that he's an idiot.

-- (LOLLOLOL@BWAAAA.HAAAA!!!!), April 21, 2000.

You guys are too much! At least it's nice to have a good laugh as you are getting dissed!!!

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), April 21, 2000.


Limmerick was gross.

funny, but gross.....didnt care for the sticky keyboard thingy, yuck.

-- consumer (shh@aol.com), April 21, 2000.

I laughed at your limerick you harebrained bird,

However this ditty has been before heard.

I dont mean to be terse,

But an original verse,

Would be nice from a high-flying nerd!

-- Ra (tion@l.1), April 21, 2000.

Our Hawk will chime in with his quarter
Pertaining to the New World Order
Claims one of his theories
They'd rig the World Series
Their lust for control knows no border!

-- David L (bumpkin@dnet.net), April 21, 2000.

Well, well, what have we here? .... Hawk and Flash and Ra so dear. .... if they fight .... on a Friday night .... then they shall have no beer!

-- Debra (I'mbored@home.com), April 21, 2000.

My predictions-

We will call our new President Bush .... While Senator Clinton sits on her tush .... The Dow will be 7000 or less .... And the Nasdaq at 2000 will be a mess .... Elian in Miami, Havana he'll pass ....we'll be paying one fifty a gallon for gas .... The Yankees I give one hundred to one .... yes, Jean Poutine will say "it is done".

-- Debra (Imustbereally@bored.com), April 21, 2000.


Have a beer! I think I'll have one myself!!! Remember, It's better to have a free bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy.

Best Wishes...

-- Flash (flash@flash.hq), April 21, 2000.

On the other hand, I may sometimes also agree with Hawk when he is in "adult mode".

Yup -- Hawk actually can have something to say when the bathroom brawls aren't going on.

Hey Ra -- what's up with your limericks? You used to talk coherently and have much to say. Are you the real Ra, or a clone?

Limericks are cool, but where's the Ra I know and love?

-- (doomerstomper@usa.net), April 21, 2000.

"Yup -- Hawk actually can have something to say when the bathroom brawls aren't going on."

When are they NOT going on? Every time someone tries to start a legitimate thread like this one, some asshole, usually either Ra, Y2KPro, Savage, CJS, or cinloo, comes along and ruins the whole thread with their stupid ass remarks. They never have anything to say relevant to the subject, they just want everyone to think they are smarter than others by insulting them. It's pathetic.

-- Hawk (flyin@high.again), April 21, 2000.

To the stomper of doom I say this,

My former long posts were amiss.

They have gone into history,

And replaced by some blistery,

Short limericks of vinegar and piss!

-- Ra (tion@l.1), April 22, 2000.

Come on Hawk -- we've ALL been guilty of flame throwing. Personally, I prefer non-vulgar, but at times it is appropiate :-) A little goes a l-o-n-g way. Beyond that, it becomes a brawl.

Ra -- I appreciate your limericks, yet "Ra of old" had much more to say. Vinegar and piss? Whad I miss that precipitated the radical change?

-- (doomerstomper@usa.net), April 22, 2000.


We sure needed you earlier today. Manny really blew a fuse and was posting all sorts of inane and racist flames. He messed up one thread so bad that OTFR deleted it. Then he went on and tried it with a couple of others. Several other posters took him to task, but not as well as you would have! At least Ra's limericks are entertaining.

-- Hawk Fan (hawkfan@vantage.point), April 22, 2000.

When are they NOT going on? Every time someone tries to start a legitimate thread like this one, some asshole, usually either Ra, Y2KPro, Savage, CJS, or cinloo, comes along and ruins the whole thread with their stupid ass remarks. They never have anything to say relevant to the subject, they just want everyone to think they are smarter than others by insulting them. It's pathetic.


Hey asshole! You left me out, you jerk-off dickwad!

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), April 22, 2000.

Uncle Deedah -

Be nice!!!

-- Debra (!!!!@!!!!.com), April 23, 2000.

Hey God, (although you are NOT my creator)

Everyone here is already in "hell on earth"... What else do you want??? I can tell you are an impartial being...


snoozin' on the couch... (BAD DOG!!)

The Dog

-- The Dog (dogdesert@hotmail.com), April 24, 2000.


(not the monkey....smile, relax just kidding)





-- consumer (shh@aol.com), April 24, 2000.

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