SmartMedia Readers : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Thanks much to everyone who has been so helpful to a novice buying his first digicam and accessories. Another question: I Am deciding between the SanDisk ImageMate USB reader and the Delkin eFilm Reader 4 USB. SanDisk claims to be 30x faster than parallel port download; Delkin claims 45x. What would you say? Also, do you know is the Delkin is accessed like a drive, the way the SanDisk is, so that files can be uploaded as well as downloaded? does not say, and I've been unable to find any reviews of it. Thanks for your time. And thanks for this forum. My new OLY 2020 is on the way! Bob

-- Robert (, April 20, 2000


Bob I use a SanDisk and a SmartMedia reader for my C2500 Olyumpus, and both readers download in a click of a key.No waiting at all I am well pleased with both but not so with Flash path reader.

-- Don Thompson (, April 24, 2000.

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