Getting the best results from the MPEGator : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
OK all you pro's out there. I just got an MPEGator Pro, and I have 3 weeks to decide if I want to keep it.I've been getting brilliant results using the Matrox Marvel G400 TV capturing at the highest settings 704x480 @ 30fps @ 3.0MB/sec. Then encoding using Panasonic MPEG-1 Encoder. The results are amazing. No noticeable pixilization.
I'm looking to get the same results with the MPEGator, but in real time. How do I set this up to get the best results? Please, my time is limited with this new MPEGator board. If you have tips and tricks for the MPEGator, now is the time to post them.
Thanks for the help!
-- Michael S. Gilmore (, April 20, 2000
Capture to AVI, then encode to MPEG-1 because straight to MPEG-1 in realtime doesn't provideo good quality. It would also help if you had a Darim M-Filter to clean up the pixilization and artifacts.
-- MrVCD (, April 22, 2000.
I read somewhere on the internet that if you have a fast computer like PIII 800Mhz, the Panasonic Encoder will encode AVI to MPEG-1 very close to real time. If I were you, I would investigate into this and to see if it is better to upgrade your computer instead of buying MPEGator. But that's only my opionion.
-- Keyman (, April 24, 2000.