Clark material files : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Clark Material files bankruptcy Clark Material Handling Co. filed for bankruptcy protection and said it plans to close by year's end a forklift manufacturing plant in Lexington, eliminating 400 jobs, the company said.Clark has been hobbled by debt, overexpansion, and a glitch-ridden e-commerce system, company president Marty Dorio said Monday.
-- - (, April 19, 2000
x, you need some feedback. Thanks for all your postings--they're valuable. Keep them coming.
-- viewer (, April 19, 2000.
Really? Why is this a valuable story? Another company goes under due to a number of factors, just like many other companies each day in the U.S. All the stories posted by you two seem to have the unspoken addition that they are somehow Y2K related.
-- Jim Cooke (, April 19, 2000.
Dang! Clark bars were my favorite.
-- (, April 19, 2000.