What would you do if you had a hundred million zillion dollars?

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If you had unlimited funds, what would you do? What would you buy? What charities would you endow? What would be the very first thing you would do?

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000


i would buy pokemon stuff, and hire translaters to translate pokemon gold and silver into english and i would be the only one to have a copy of this. i'd put the rest into the bank and withdraw as needed and if they lost my money i'd sue for another hundred million zillion dollars TM

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

First I would quit my job. It's a nice job and all, but if I had a hundred million zillion dollars, I'd be like, "Nice knowing you! Bye!"

Then I'd buy a house with my sweetie. And get a better car instead of the Deathtrap (tm). Hmm, what else? I'd give money to cancer research organizations, I'd pay for my Mom to get a new house too, and I'd take the whole family on a massive shopping spree.

Then I'd sit on my butt for a couple of years and consider my options. Yep, that's what I'd do.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

After having all the stuff, and living where I want, and all that, I think the most fun thing to do would be to create and endow a performing arts center, then boss the foundation that runs it. That's what Mrs. Shouse did at the Wolf Trap Farm Park outside DC, and she always seemed to be having a ton of fun.

Anita of Anita's BOD and Anita's LOL

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

The first thing I would do would be to give a huge lump sum to my parents to spend as they choose. My next would be to buy a souped up Jeep for when I go camping in Arkansas and elsewhere.

Then I would probably just buy a school (I'd make them an offer that they couldn't refuse since I have a hundred million zillion dollars) and accept myself into my graduate program. Then I would pass myself and award myself a degree. It doesn't seem to be working any other way.

Then I would donate other large sums to charity (Alzheimer's research along with other neurological diseases--and research for head-trauma and neuropsychological rehabilitation research)...then I would dole out money to my friends so they would be set up for life...

Then I would take off some time from giving away all of this money and spend a few years driving (the jeep, of course) around the world and visit Greece, Ireland, Scotland, Japan, India, Africa, well, just the whole damn world.

And then I would contract some canine expert to design a chew toy that tastes good so my dog would chew on it but not taste so good that he has to bury it immediately. I would pay a lot of money just for that.

Other than that, purchase some land somewhere, build a huge house (with no fence with a lake in back and a plastic cup that I leave on the ground) and live off the land (and my hundred million zillion dollars).


-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I'd give my family a whacking great amount each, then I'd give my friends a fair chunk to play with, then I'd buy a fantastic little farm somewhere, well equipped for horsey pursuits, buy lots of horses, have a lovely house, and have fun.

I'd also finance Tristan's new business, and any other interesting business ventures people could offer my way. And as far as charities go, I'd be contributing to womens' refuge in NZ and anybody working to stop the disproportionate number of Maori people in prison from reoffending and continuing the cycle of underachievement that goes on there.

And I'd pay off my student loan, although the company has just merged and I can realise my share save scheme money, which should cover this and the cost of a new kitchen - so yay!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Well, I'd buy my parents that house at the beach my mom always talks about. Probably buy myself one too. And another one for my brother and his fiance, and another few for groups of friends and relatives. I figure if I had a hundred million zillion dollars, I could afford to spend lots of time at the beach,, so we all might as well have a good time.

I'd buy a huge parcel of land somewhere (I'm thinking maybe Wyoming, near Yellowstone) for wayward pets, as well as the deer, rabbits and assorted wildlife that keep getting hit by cars because of the onroaching Suburbia.

I'd offer huge prizes for the person/lab to find a cure for cancer, AIDS, allergies and the common cold.

I'd buy myself a baseball team, so I'd have something to do on a daily basis.

And I'd buy a comedy club and sponsor a mammoth improv festival, because I love watching it and it would give people a place to laugh 24 hours a day.

Oh, I'd also bribe radio stations to ban all of those songs that suck but have the tendency to get stuck in my head from ever being played on the radio again. I'd extend temporary bans to songs that seem to bring me bad luck in certain situations. For example, Beck's "Loser" could not be played on Monday nights, since our softball team is winless over the past three years when I hear that song on the way to the game. And Vertical Horizon's "Everything She Wants" could not be played as I'm leaving for a date.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Split it with my other half, give my parents a fair wack and then buy a house with a recording studio in it and just mess about mixing and singing for a while!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I'd get pregnant.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I would pay off all our bill and all my friends and family's bills. I would then get my hubby an appointment in Canada for surgery. I would like to have a house on a lot of land and a house for my parents on the same. Heck maybe start my own commune! I'd have a breat reduction and then I would head to a sperm bank and try to get pregnant.

Lots of money to breast cancer research, AIDS research and I would also fund SRS surgery for people who could not afford it

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Quit my job.

Buy a big house on a lot of land way the hell away from other houses, yet close enough to civilization (the Bay Area) to shop. That would probably use up most of my money. Equip it with a sauna and hot tub and deck and hammock. Pay someone to come in and design and maintain a beautiful garden.

Then I'd do nothing for a long time.

I don't have any charitible dreams, but if I got bored afte a few years, I'd probably endow some art thing.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Pay my college education. Because my parents are really getting on my case about putting up 20 grand a year for the next four years. ("Mom, can we order pizza tonight?" "I'm sending you to college." "Mom, I need new shoes. My feet are coming through the bottoms of this pair." "You want to go to college or not?") [I still love them.]

And then pay for college for the rest of the hooligans in my too-big Irish-Catholic family.

After that was out of the way, I think I'd give a bunch to the Special Olympics, in my older sister's name.

I'd set up a relief effort for victims of genital mutilation, too. Charitable stuff like that.


-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Quit my job. Then I would pay off all my debt and breath a big sigh of relief, I would also give my family and friends lots of dough to ease their worries. Next would be endless travelling, I want to go everywhere and to all those unheard of places too. When I got back from travelling, I would have a big dog farm...a huge country house to shelter all the unwanted beasts I can't afford to take in now...our limit is 3 dogs and we're at that now.

When I'm surrounded by dogs on my dog farm, I would take the time to build the library I've always wanted and to create the art collection I have only dreamed of. I would support the arts, give to charities, esp. animal shelters, and do anything I can to make the world a better place with my money.

Then, I'm sure, I would be bored and would have to go back to work.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

My family actually talks about this ever week after we buy our lottery tickets.

I'd pay off my little Misubishi Mirage. I'd keep it, I love my car! I'd also get a Toyota Tacoma truck to accomodate my Great Dane. He's outgrowing the car. I'd get my brother a Humvee, and my mom a Volvo. Buy everyone houses. Well, everyone but my brother. He wants to live in an antique train caboose, so I'd get him one. Put money away for my daughter's college education. Invest a lot, and give a lot to charity - mostly animal charities. Buy season tickets for Dallas Stars hockey! Hell, if I had *that* much money, maybe I'd just buy the team! Go to Ireland for a pub tour. Come back and check into Betty Ford. Go to Sweden.

Buy everyone one who'd pissed me off, and then destroy them.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

The very first thing I would do is buy a house on a BIG lot so I wouldn't have to deal with inconsiderate and noisy neighbors.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I would put all the money towards poop-free cats and dogs.

I hate that damned litter box!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I'd spay and neuter all unwanted cats and dogs in the U.S. For each unwanted animal in the pound, I would offer financial expenditures for its entire life (food, vet, toys) to anyone who has the time, ability, compassion, love, responsibility quotient and space requirements but not the financial requirements to have a pet.

Then I'd get me a big ranch and have as many dogs as I wanted.

Then I would go on those eco safari photographic tours and learn about the world and take a bunch of classes.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I'd gloat. A lot. And practice saying "no."

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Just kidding. I wouldn't be practicing, I'd mean it when I said "no."

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I'd buy my own island (or build it, or something) and put up my own castle on it. And never have to worry about unemployment =)

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

I'd buy Las Vegas. Then I'd buy the land directly in between Vegas and the Pacific Ocean. Then I'd build a bullet train to run back and forth from my beach front property. And then there's the partying... etc. etc. --and it all gets real hazy after that

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

If I had a hundred million zillion dollars, I would buy myself everything on my wish list, which includes nice things like a car, a fantastic apartment that allows cats (and the apartment would be perfectly decorated to my taste, have a great kitchen, a hot tub, and a water slide, just cuz). I would go crazy clothes shopping because I can't afford to get what I want until things go on sale, I hate that. I would replace my computer with one that doesn't crash whenever Outlook recieves an email. Oh my gosh, I could afford to buy lunch between classes instead of eating a smushed Nutri-Grain bar. I could buy brand-name groceries instead of store brand. I would pay my parents back for college and treat them to a few shopping sprees. I would buy my siblings ponies for Christmas. I would finally get to go on a cruise (never been). Oh my, I can't keep thinking like this, I'm bound to drive myself crazy.

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

well,I would quit my job,but finnish school for once.And than i would sit on my duff,and also commit random acts of kindness for the rest of my life.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

After paying off everything and buying houses for each of my kids and us, I've always said that if I had the money I would endow a college scholarship to benefit all those "good" high school graduates who never seem to get recognized. You know the ones, they're good students (but not *great* or perfect), they participate in school life and keep their noses (mostly) clean. They're the ones who will grow up to be good citizens and it seems as though we always ignore them. They aren't the "turnaround" kid who WAS bad and NOW (?) is *good*. They aren't the straight A valedictorians/salutatorians/honor society head cheerleader/quarterback kid. They just everyday folks who deserve credit for their "normal-average"-ness. Then I would travel!

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

I'd take classes that end in -ology, and in between, I would travel the country and the world. Of course, with a million *zillion* dollars, I could pay for college/houses/unbelievably wasteful luxuries for my whole family, too. I'd like to buy up a lot of land and preserve it.

I like the idea to commit random acts of kindness. It's one of the greatest feelings in the world to help someone else with no expectation of return. (And of course you don't need a bunch of money to do that, just charitability and mindfulness.)

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

Pay off my relatives' mortgages and give them all a nice chunk of cash. Buy a house. Quit my job. Raise dogs to do search-and-rescue work. Give money to libraries and volunteer at them. Write.

Oh, my. It's nice to dream.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

Well, I'd get a car, put myself through college, give my family members large sums of money, and donate a lot of it to the local animal shelter. I would also use the money to surround myself with furry creatures, such as cats and dogs, and rabbits. Thats about all I can think of, but I'm sure there is more.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2000

Very first thing I'd do is quit my job. Yeah, professional ethics, loyalty, blah, blah, I'd leave skid marks, pal.

Then my parents would retire. My kids' schools would get a big ol' chunk of money. I'd build a castle overlooking a golf course so all the rich bastards out there playing golf could wet their little plaid pants with shame at the magnificence of my house. I'd support science museums, music programs, teachers, and day care centers. Make people happier about having kids. Make it easier for people to have kids. Make it easier for kids to learn. Generally make as much as possible easier for as many people as possible. Starting with kids and their parents. Singles, DINKs, you can save money. And go to the science museums.

Build the Minnesota equivalent of Larry Niven's Dream Park, kind of like Disneyland but under some freakin' huge domes, all connected so people can have fun all year round.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2000

Save the tigers. I have to do that first. Then a huge campaign to end poaching in Africa and Asia. I'd call up NASA and the DoD and we'd have a heart to heart talk about safely and finally getting the nuclear waste off the planet - which would succeed. Savannah River Planet and Chernobyl are then cleaned up completely, along with that one in Washington whose name I can never recall. Gigantic wads of money are given to every single Indian reservation so they can decide how they want to live, on their own terms. I buy out the Taliban and send the men to do aid work in Africa while providing the rest of Afghanistan with money to get back on its collective feet. All weapons of mass destruction are safely disarmed or shipped off the planet. I buy off Elian's relatives and send him and his dad back home with a giant wad of cash for the whole country and a big note that says, "Dear Cuba: We were on crack. We're sorry. Love, America. P.S. The embargo is history."

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2000

Gabby's answer is pretty cool. It would take an awful lot of money, though, to buy out of the arms race. That's almost an answer to what would you do if you had three wishes. (Do you remember Steve Martin's answer to that one? I'll spare you the repeat it you do).

I think if I had a lot of money I'd just withdraw from city life. Maybe buy a historic house on the Place des Vosges (sp?) just for a change of scenery. Oh, and a Gulfstream jet to get there. And I'd maneuver to get the power of life and death over my enemies. And . . . damn, this is turning into Steve Martin's three wishes.

-- Anonymous, April 22, 2000

1. Fix up my mother's house. Build her a deck, with big french doors leading onto it.

2. Pay off my tens of thouands of dollars of student loans.

3. Buy a totally kickass portable mp3 player.

4. Get a chef and personal trainer--I'm tired of doing it all myself.

5. Travel more, but bring everyone I love.

Yep, I'm a total candyass, aren't I?

Vain Travails

-- Anonymous, April 25, 2000

I'd also sponsor my favourite journal writers, so they could do it full-time - no more waiting for updates!

-- Anonymous, May 01, 2000

Get even.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2000

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