my divorced parents : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

my mom and dad got divorced when i was little and im fine with that but lately my dad is telling my little brother who is six that he cant come to see him and makes up a rejected excuse why he cant and its getting old! i dont want to confront my dad about this but its been bothering me lately. he expects me to let him know every move i make but he never tells me where hes going. he's not always this bad.i think i got the clue from my mom that he WAS seeing another woman but i dont think that he is anymore. i would appreciate it if you would pray for this situation and that you would send me a response about what i should do ......tks bunches...brooke

-- Anonymous, April 18, 2000


You probably can't do anything about what your father does or doesn't do.

You can do something about what you can do. Such as:

a) Express your view, politely, to your dad, without demanding he do any given thing.

b) Be there for your little brother & see about providing for needs he may have.

c) Learn from this situation to clarify choices in your own life.

-- Anonymous, April 21, 2000

I'm not really sure what you're asking, but I'm puzzled by two things you say---

First, that "he expects me to let him know every move I make but he never tells me where he's going". That's probably because you're a child and he's a grown up. Things are different when you're an adult, and (particularly if you're not living with him) he's under no obligation to report to you on his movements.

Second, "he was seeing another woman but I don't think that he is anymore". You start by saying that your parents got divorced when you were little. So, you're dad is dating. You didn't expect him to put his life on hold forever, did you?

Your writing style looks like you're still pretty young. If you can, you should have a talk with your dad about what you expect from him, and what he expects from you. The only way he'll know that this is bothering you is if you tell him---he probably has no idea you're worried.

Good luck.

-- Anonymous, April 24, 2000

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