New review : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Also... RIDE magazine from the UK had a review of the MV F4s...bars too close to the tank...(when turning full lock, watch the thumbs)...riding position too sporty on a sport bike...(DUH!)...get's too hot in city rides, hard to get into neutral...but a bargain!

To whet appetites while we wait!!!

-- moderator (, April 17, 2000


The RIDE reviewer's comments about the riding position where different than what others have said and different from my impression of sitting on a Oro. But looking at the picture of the reviewer in question I think his comments may only be relevant to other, shall we say, portly riders.:-)

-- Scott Rothermel (, April 17, 2000.

Well gosh, the F4S gets hot riding in the city...well gosh, thats a surprise! There are I am sure lots of really terribly sensible interesting performance machines available that don't get warm. I must find one. Do Skoda make bikes I wonder?

Mind your thumbs. I bet there are a lot of ex-Ducati now F4 riders that remember that problem with the Duke!

To sporty!!! That is like saying that Mike Tyson should be, in all fairness, a tad more considerate and gentle!

-- Michael Newton (, January 01, 2001.

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