CBS Does Elian Story : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

According to Fox News/Los Angeles, this A.M., the Gonzalez family has sold CBS the rights to do a mini-series on Elian's story. Here we go.

They want Antonio Bandares to do Elian's father, and they're looking for derelicts to do the family.

Didn't take long for the cash register to start ringing for the family. Wonder how much the lawyers are getting out of this.

Of course there are plenty of hookers in LA to play the part of the cousin.

Be still my beating heart...I can hardly wait!

-- Richard (, April 17, 2000


Casting suggestions:

Natalie Wood as Elian's mother

Gloria Estephan as the cousin

Geraldo Rivera as the uncle

Old Git as Janet Reno

Dan Marino as the fisherman who saved lil' Elian

The Miami Dolphins cheerleaders as the circle of protesters

Cuba Gooding Jr. as Fidel

-- CD (, April 17, 2000.


Thanks for the suggestions. I'll immeiately contact my Casting friends in LA. One comment, if Rivera isn't available, maybe Manuel Noreaga (sp) could get a work release for the part of the uncle.

-- Richard (, April 17, 2000.

CD, you must really dislike Janet RenoROTFLMAO.How about Louie Anderson as the Miami family's lead att'y?

-- Sifting (through@the.rubble), April 17, 2000.

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