greetings exilers : LUSENET : DaVinci's Exile Test : One Thread

Floated by Exile after an extended hiatus. Not a VPerson around. Hope all are well. On a friend's machine today, but wanted to say "hi" from hayluc. Have fun

-- hayluc (, April 17, 2000


Yeppers, Exile is a ghost town most of the time. Sorry nobody was around to talk to you.

-- Laighe of the Limberlost (, April 18, 2000.

Hey Hay, I remember u , & good 2 know ur around. Now what's left? to see u around? Have fun, anyWAY anyHOW! ...Jas (goal__)

-- Jas B (, April 24, 2000.

Hi stranger, *s* Hope you and yours are well *hugs*

-- gyps *s* (, May 01, 2000.

Glad to see you are still around (which is more than I can say about myself!). *hugs* from Zimbabwe. H.

-- leucite (, May 05, 2000.

I thought I had seen you around under a different name but it's hard to be sure about those things... I also didn't see anyone in Exile during my last visits to VP. Hope to see you soon, at Exile or elsewhere. Good luck!

-- Arioska (, May 09, 2000.

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