the tell tale heart and the black cat : LUSENET : The Work of Edgar Allan Poe : One Thread

can somebody pleeze help me in finding the similarities and differences in the TELL TALE HEART and THE BLACK CAT. i need it ASAP thanx u for taking the time to read this

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000


Both of them, obviously are told in the first person. Both of them are confessions of murder. In both of them, he has concealed the body--in TELL TALE HEART beneath the floor, in BLACK CAT in a wall. In TTH he has murdered an old man he stayed with--presumably a landlord? In BC he murders his wife. In TTH he did it on purpose. IN BC it was an accident. In TTH he is undone by the sound --probably imagined, of the murder victim's heartbeat. In BC he is undone by the unearthly yowling of the cat--walled up by accident when he walled up the body. In TTH he was sober. In BC he was under the influence of drink--in both of them he protests that no one should think him mad. BC is longer than TTH--both are short stories. Both seem to take place in America, unlike many of his stories which were placed in Europe and both seem to have been in Poe's present, unlike many which were sometime in the past. In BC apparently he is on his way to the gallows. In TTH this is not obvious. In TTH he is single. In BC he is married. In TTH this is the only single act. In BC he mutilates and hangs another black cat before the appearance of the one that drives him to murder. There are probably more. Goodluck!

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

hey chris!!

Thanx u so much for the response!! I was like totally relying on this site to get my project is due tomorrow and i hafta start it today thanx u so much!! for everything!!

Luv! ~Charlene~

-- Anonymous, April 19, 2000

Charlene, you are cheating and I will not allow you to do your stories over "The Tell Tale Heart" and "The Black Cat". If they are in the final copy of research paper I will contact the office. I will keep it secret that I found you out. DO NOT approach me in school. Sence you already turned in your rough draft I will let it pass on that. I will still correct it as I would a normal paper so you can understand at least in a jist how to write.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

my e-mail adress was wrong. e-mail me if you have any questions. I would have never expected this kind of behavior out of you.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

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