Old Git Uncovered. The Early Days

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

It took a lot of work to find these

-- GitFan (rr@ho.me), April 16, 2000


Gawd NO! I wouldn't want to see that old bag with her clothes ON, much less off!!!

-- (Yuck@I'm .sick with the thought.), April 16, 2000.

You know...I think you're (not so-)secretly in love with her. It's touching, really. =)

-- cin (cinloo@aol.corn), April 16, 2000.

cin, the only thing "touching" is you. Scuzzzze me! I meant to say "touched!"

-- (Burt @nd .Ernie), April 16, 2000.

I clicked but cancelled the download after the warning. I have had enough brain over load for this day. Burt, the term is "teched, as in the haid".

-- Redneck (Remedi@tor.com), April 16, 2000.

Ewwww! Old Git is so ugly, she broke my browser!!

-- (git@tits.on.knees), April 16, 2000.

What are we back in Jr High School? You boys just never grow up. Shame on you for being so mean.

-- cin (cinloo@aol.com), April 17, 2000.

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