problem with making VCD : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I did a MPEG1 by useing a flask with panasonic plagin then I did a MPEG 1 VCD by using XING MPEG Encoder. After that I record it on CD-R by Nero burning rom. when I am palying this VCD all I can see on my screen is schit. Sound is like BBBBZZZZZZZUEEEEEIIIIIJJJJDDSSS. What did I wrong. Sorry for my English

-- marc (, April 16, 2000


hi i don't know whether i could help u, but i could let u know what i generally do.

i am into non-linear video editing, and nealy every week i have to cut several vcd's for for my company, so this is the way i do.....

1)i use the panasonic mpeg1 plugin for adobe premier 2)from the list of codecs i select panasonic 3)in advanced settings i select mpeg1vcd and not mpeg1 4)i finish the processing 5)next i open the winoncd application 6)i choose the video option and drop the mpeg file there 7)i say record, don't forget to close disc 8)process completed, cd pops put ready 9)try and see if all this helps in any way.... 10)good luck

-- (, December 06, 2000.


thanks , i am really looking for this type of help only, thanks a lot..

i am going to do a cd video demo for a company, can u in touch with me for entire this project... plz..

-- sharath (, May 05, 2004.

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