CA: Converter box problem interrupts AT&T tv cable : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread |
Published Saturday, April 15, 2000, in the San Jose Mercury NewsCA: Converter box problem interrupts AT&T tv cable service
Mercury News Staff Report
An unknown number of AT&T digital cable television customers were without service Friday because of an undiagnosed problem with their converter boxes, a spokesman said.
The malfunction was occurring only in a certain type of converter boxes, said AT&T representative Andrew Johnson.
About 100 people phoned to complain in San Jose, he said. AT&T cable services about 1.6 million customers in the Bay Area.
Some were able to regain a picture by unplugging their converter box's power cord from the outlet. However, Johnson said customers should call AT&T for assistance.
-- Carl Jenkins (, April 15, 2000