While we are waiting for Big Dog's May Y2K analysisgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread |
Summary of mainstream media coverageConfessions Of A (Former) Y2K Paranoid
Federal Reserve Y2K Site, no "breaking" news but a good general resource
Geri Guidetti's "Ark Institute"
Ed Yourdon's hindsight essay
Bruce Beach's web page
Gary North's web page
ComputerWorld search engine... try articles after 1/1/2000
A good essay from ComputerWorld by John Gant
The famous Weather Reports by Cory Hamasaki
I just thought this might be helpful as we enter the "analysis" phase of Y2K.
-- Ken Decker (kcdecker@worldnet.att.net), April 14, 2000
Final Report of the President's Council on Y2K Conversion
-- (*@*.*), April 14, 2000.
Ken when you are in the shower beating offDo you stand on your tip toes????
-- what a bore (get@life.please), April 14, 2000.
what - rotflmao... you crack me up! So true!
-- (Bwahahahaha@lmao.now), April 14, 2000.
Ken Decker knows everything there is to know about everything, including SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANTS!http://www.carr.org/hampstead/page15.html
-- laughing (at@anything.youwrite.Decker), April 14, 2000.
Yup..... Kenny is the master of mental masturbation, followed closely by Flint, Fannybubbles, and CPR...
-- one (wondershow@closethey.are), April 15, 2000.
Ken, I can't believe you used the words "Big Dog" and "analysis" in the same sentence without giggling...
-- Y2K Pro (y2kpro1@hotmail.com), April 15, 2000.
An excerpt from Peter de Jager's "The Question of Italy: An Analysis"http://www.year2000.com/y2kitaly.html
Like yourself and everybody else I am trying to understand what happened. While it is still too early to be doing this analysis, month end processing must still take place, I find myself compelled to provide some answers to the legitimate question -- why were places like Italy not impacted by Y2K.
The question goes deeper than just why Italy and others escaped the problem -- the other part of the question is why I and everyone else who worked on the problem are so adamant that the problem was real and that we took the correct and proper action.
You could place a gun to my head and threaten to pull the trigger unless I told you the 'truth' that the problem was NOT real -- and I would steadfastly refuse. I KNOW, with every fibre of my being that we were right. Nothing can shake me from that belief.
And therein lies the glaring contradiction I struggle with. My view of the problem is contradicted by a fact I cannot refute, and make no attempt to, Italy has seen no significant effects.
-- (#@#.#), April 15, 2000.
Having taken an interest in Mr. Lipton as a ....study subject, I feel I can accuratly predict that he will disavow his doom position, claiming he NEVER believed that a ten was probable or even possible.Aside from claiming that the US would be in chaos by july 2000, here is a quote that proves Russ didn't take ANY stock in BITR thinking AT ALL:
BTW, we are long past "interpretation" necessity with pre-Y2K, anyway. "Right action" is full-scale prep, finishing by August 1 at latest. See "dancr" post on Faryna's "Milne goes 10" thread for superb example of right action based on transparency.
.... in a best case (BITR, ha!), she has some nice antiques, maps and some fabric ....
-- BigDog (BigDog@duffer.com), June 11, 1999.
I just want people to be aware of the way this thinks, and the way he usually operates. However, after 18 months of "spin" and shilling for Yourdon and Co., I would think it would be apparent to all.
-- (PsychMajor@psychout.comm), April 17, 2000.
"Experts Puzzled by Scarcity of Y2K Failures"http://partners.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/01/biztech/articles/09year .html?AltaVistaRefId=LmY_WEFnnnnuntly_W
-- (more@Y2K.analysis), April 17, 2000.
Euuuwwwwwwww, Decker you're ugly.
Kenny the Roach's Ugly Mug here.
-- (No @ doubt about .it), April 17, 2000.