My opinions may have changed, but I've always been right : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

After re-watching Ghostbusters when my boyfriend bought the DVD, I was surprised to find that it wasn't the shitty film I remembered from my childhood. And after reading several books and criticisms of her -- from various sources -- over the past few years, I've concluded that Hillary Clinton isn't quite the great woman I thought she was. Is there anything you've changed your mind about which, in hindsight, makes you wonder how you could have been so blind/stupid/gullible?

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000


Well, I remember thinking Footloose song ever ...

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000

.... I bet you're wondering what the hell my last post was all about. I meant to say 'I remember thinking the Footloose song was the best song ever'. And I did. And that was quite obviously wrong.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000

Used to like, am now embarrassed by: New Wave pop, Mustangs, Budweiser, and well-made up girlfriends with puffy hair.

Used to sneer at, now am reconciled to: New Age pop, minivans, designer water, and you can guess the rest.

Used to profess belief in: Jesus Christ, Roman Catholic Theology, the "right to life," fiscal conservatism (hey, I was a child of Reagan), corporal punishment.

Now profess belief in: ? I suppose, I believe that poeple are pretty good at figuring out what's good for them individually, then pursuing it. Not sure if that rises to the level of faith, but it's something.

Biggest change of opinion: I'll never go back to New York City.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000

Hoo boy...I used to think being married never meant you'd be alone on a Saturday night ("Bitter, table for one!"). Now I know that having a ring and/or a contract don't mean squat if you and your partner aren't willing to WORK at it.

I used to think I'd save the world. Now, I'm leaving that task to hands more capable then mine. I'll save small pieces of the world and do my best, but I can't do it all...and how arrogant of me to even try.

I used to think I never wanted kids. I'm researching sperm donation and planning a conception date now. I'm totally willing to go it alone.

I never thought I could be as happy as I am now.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000

I used to be adamantly for gun control. Then I found out how ineffectual consumer-grade Mace and Tazers really are, and firearms started to seem like a really good equalizer between the weak and the strong. And my friend Jamie (and earlier, my friend Hanya) took me too the gun range in Montlake Terrace, and I found out, much to my liberal dismay, that I *love* handling guns. I love loading cartridges and aiming down the length of my right arm and feeling the jolt of the recoil. I even love picking up and recycling my brass cylinders after I'm done.

I used to think of child-related issues such as maternity leave and daycare as feminist issues, but I realized some time ago that a) not all women have kids and b) that's pretty much the same as saying that babies are solely women's responsibility.

I used to think dressing entirely in black made one look sophisticated. Last year I resolved never to buy another black item of clothing because I was so bored. NOW look at the stores. Sequins and seed beads and patterns run riot. I guess everyone got as sick as I did around the same time as I did.

I used to think people who were unable to work through headaches were giant wusses. Karma granted me the gift of sinus headaches and empathy.

I used to spend a lot of time worrying that I'd be a shitty mother. Gradually, I realized that I don't have to be anyone's mother. I can have cats instead. For a while I was buying all that garbage about being lonely when you're old, but you know, those kids generally don't stick around after they turn 18 or so. I don't think I'd *want* a kid who was still living with me when he was 40 and I was 70.

I've made some bad footwear choices. Suede elf boots. Studded black leather cowboy boots with steel tips at the toe. Five-dollar jellies. Glove-leather wrestling shoes. Actually, I miss the wrestling shoes. And the jeans. Oy vey. Blizzard wash. Tapered, cropped, with a zipper at the ankle.

I still think that most of the music I listened to in high school is pretty cool, and that most of the people I selected as friends five, eleven, and thirteen years ago are wonderful, and that the books that were my favorites when I first read them are still awesome. Except all that Stephen King I read before I was twenty or so. I don't know what the hell I was thinking.

-- Anonymous, April 14, 2000

Hey, Kim, quit using the time machine to raid my old shoe closet, would ya?

I recently rented Charlie and the Chocolate Factory for my kids (um, can you use HTML here?) and it was way more hilarious than I remembered.

I used to love watching all kinds of inane sitcoms that I wouldn't waste three minutes on now.

I used to say I hated kids and I'd never have them, but now I have three.

I used to like rap music, but now I can't stand it. Actually, though, I really do think the quality of it has changed since I was young.

I used to hate country music, but now I'm able to tolerate it. Sort of.

-- Anonymous, April 15, 2000

I used to think marriage was just a piece of paper, that I'd rather have kids on my own & that SAHMs were wasting their lives. Now I've met the man I want to marry & have a family with and I'd bring my kids to work before I'd leave them with a stranger (babysitter/daycare). I am getting sooooo old...

(And No! to the micro-minis at the clinic Beth. I wear clothing that allows a wide range of motion, looks good with hair, blood, urine, slobber, etc on it and, most importantly, it has to be washable, washable, washable. Personally, I don't have the body to wear a micro-mini *anywhere*! )

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

As I matured my opinions changed on many things. After civilized discussion occasionally I do change my mind about one thing or another. I still am maturing at 79 years and am open to changing my mind about something even now.

The question reminds me of my Dad's funny, "I have made one mistake. Once I thought I made a mistake, but I was wrong."

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

Used to think feminism was ridiculous and wrong, came to senses and realized I was actually one myself.

Used to think that marriage should be protected by making divorce hard to get, now think that divorce isn't the end of the world.

Used to be a lot more concerned about controlling other people in various ways. Now, have reluctantly concluded that it is probably best to let go.

-- Anonymous, April 17, 2000

I used to worry far more about being thought racist, elitist, and mean-spirited. Now I'm proudly misanthropic: show me a group, and I'll despise them.


-- Anonymous, July 10, 2000

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