generations/maxing out single stat thread[original title PLZ HELP ME!!!] : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

i have a whole ton of questions : #1 i hear about all these people having hundreds of thousands of dollars, how do you do it? i currently have about 70000 #2 about all these super-monsters out there that have almost everything maxed, whats your trick? the only time i ever have gotten maxed out in is on a sueki suezo! #3what monsters are good to train? i am liscensed to train baku, golem, pheonix, ghost, mew, henger, gali, and worm, i also have cds for gaboo soldier and sueiki suezo

-- Jordan Eizenga (, March 10, 2000 Answers 1. Just keep battling at B class. 2. How do you raise a sueki suezo to last longer then a week? And max out it's stats? 3. Although I never got one it seems that a pheonix is the best

-- Mike Sugs (, March 10, 2000.


hey, Mike thanx for the tips, I never have got a sueki suezo to live longer than 1 week, but you probably could with this so called "golden peach" and when i said maxed out, i was refering to just the lif and def, also pheonixes are pretty good, i had a 1st generation one that i didnt use any training methods on and it got to level A

-- Jordan Eizenga (, March 10, 2000.


Most people max out their stats by using a training method. You can find quite a few in the raising methods section of the board. Dark pheonix and RNA have two of the best. They usually take a lot of time and money but almost always produce a monster that can take on the big four. Give one a try. Pheonix and worm are pretty good to raise, most people can get pheonix through the S level.

-- Miss Carrie (, March 10, 2000.


I think Jordan was talking about maxing out a single statistic, (thus his statement about maxing out the Suiki Suezo is supposed to be ironic, because it comes that way.) The only way to make the Suiki Suezo live more than a month is to use the game shark. I have managed to get a Pixie (Pixie/Pixie) up to Life 999, Str 780, Int 999, Skl 999, spd 999, and def 820 through an intensive breeding program, breeding for long life, and high starting statistics. I use parts of RNA's and Dark Phoenix's raising methods, adapted to my own style of raising. This, by the way was an 9th generation Pixie that lived just over 8 years before it left it's prime. To put it shortly, my prefered method of raising extremely high statistic monsters is patience, and breeding it to other high statistic monsters. (Also have all of the bonus stuff (pot, statue, stone, ice, and tail), and all of the house and barn upgrades.) -Berge

-- Berge (, March 10, 2000.


i could have maxed out 2 stats, but chose not to in a couple of monsters. basically, you get a monster who starts out strong, and work it in that category without lessening its lifespan.

-- torey luvullo (, March 10, 2000.


All speculated lifespans are without peach usage. Note that these lifespans cannot be achieved without a high output raising method. For further information on specific monster stat aquisitions, check out "Monster attributes - What each mainbreed is good/bad at" from the "best monster to use" category. Baku: Pretty bad stat aquisition in drills. Lifespan is around 7 - 10 years.

Golem: Really bad at SKI and SPD. Lifespan is around 7 - 10 years.

Phoenix: All around good stat aquisitions in everything but Power. Limited tech variety. Lifespan around 6 - 8 years.

Ghost: Really bad at LIF, POW, and DEF but really good at everything else. Really good with guts regen. Lifespan around ? years.

Mew: Tied with Colorpandora for best all around defensive monsters in the game. Has very good techs. They are really good at SPD, SKI, DEF, and LIF. Lifespan around 4 - 6 years.

Henger: All around pretty good stat aquisitions and very good techs. Lifespan around 5 - 7 years.

Gali: Average stat aquisitions and many techs (both INT and POW based). Lifespan around 5 - 7 years.

Worm: All stat aquisitions are very good except SPD. Lifespan around 6 - 8 years.

I personally recommend a mocchi for any beginning player. It has the highest average total stat gains in all drills - meaning that it is not bad at anything! For any given drill, it is either good at it, or awesome at it. The lifespan range is somewhere around 8 years.

-- RNA (RNA@Ribosome.nuc), March 10, 2000.


Berge, what do you consider a #(define as integer) generation monster to be made up of? Do you consider only the fusion of two (#-1) generation monsters as a # generation monster? For example: A 9th generation monster is made up of the fusion between two 8th generation monsters and an 8th generation monster is the fusion between two 7th generation monsters.

Since you have a 9th generation monster, I wanted to know this mainly because of the absurd amount of monsters you would have to train, if you ever wanted to get a 9th generation monster. Basically, if you follow the above rule, you'll have to raise 256 1st gen monsters, 128 2nd gen monsters, 64 3rd gen monsters, 32 4th gen monsters, 16 5th gen monsters, 8 6th gen monsters, 4 7rd gen monsters, 2 8th gen monsters and 1 9th gen monster!

I'm not calling you a liar or nothin, I'm just wondering what you define as a # generation monster. I tend to go by this rule myself: A monster that is of generation #, has had # different "trained" monster-fusions.

For example: A pixie that is of generation (9), has had (9) different "trained" monsters-fusions.

In other words, I think of a 9th generation monsters as maybe an 8th generation monster combined with a 2nd generation monster, or an 8th generation monster combined with a 7th generation monster.

Hmm... That was quite difficult to define.

-- RNA (RNA@Ribosome.nuc), March 10, 2000.


ok i do it this way: key: a 1st gen,b 2nd gen,c 3rd gen.............. ..................................................................... ...>..c..<........................................................... ..|.......|.......................................................... .>b<.....>b<......................................................... |...|...|...|........................................................ a...a...a...a........................................................ See? thats how i breed monsters cool eh?

-- Draco (, March 10, 2000.


grrrrr dumb spaces on this board tend to be messed up if you do more than 1 between words grrrrrr

-- Draco (, March 10, 2000.


my definition: a monster is of the generation of 1+ the highest generation that went into the combination. the disadvantage of this definition is that it doesn't distinguish between a 4th gen combined with a 4th gen and one combined with a 1st gen. its advantage is that it is easy to remember.

that's an advantage i always choose.

-- torey luvullo (, March 10, 2000.


I do think that u can take part in the big 4 to rake up some good money,or maybe try getting to clear your inventory once in a while such that some times what your monster gives u or win in tourney may not be useful to u so u may sell it for sometimes even $5000.As for the super monster ,Try out some of the raising and training method such as RNA AND THE MAN's method.their results are awesome.I suggest that u do try out the henger first and then second would be a phoenix because henger would gradually get u used to the style of training a phoenix due to both monsters low defence.The henger also have some great damaging and withering techs while the phoenix had supreme intellgience techs which could almost instantly kill without fail.

-- j.w (, March 10, 2000.


1) Raise monsters just to win tournaments. Sounds obvious, it is. That is one of the tricks. Just raise a monster, get just good enough stats, and start fighting it. The way I figure it, it should take 12 to 14 monsters to get over a million dollars (for someone who is not an expert). Just try to grose like $150,000 per monster. The way you get this money is from winning A, S, and the M4 tournaments. So get a monster just to do it. 2)We get these monsters by using training methods, which are meant to optimize the amount of stats gained per monster. These methods are costly, but can be made cheaper. Just cut some stuff out of them, and you should have no problem affording them. Use that monster to win you more money so you can use the methods to their fullest.

3)Hengers, Phoenix, Galis, and Baku are some of the better monsters you have available to you right now. Take your time to try them out and see which works best for you. Different people have different tastes, so telling you which monster to choose isn't easy. Just try some out, and see how they work. If you like that monster, raise another one. Get acustomed to how to raise monsters, then try out some more monsters. That is pretty much what the game is about anyway. So just try some out.

-- The Man (, March 11, 2000.


j.w. as for fact about tournament items, i just got a "pure gold", it sells for 6000 but i dont know if it does anything, should i keep it or sell it? and for any one else who is considering helping me, i just reached the 100000 mark, is there any more expensive methods i could do now? p.s. i just got liscensed to train centaur, and currently have an antares

-- Jordan Eizenga (, March 11, 2000.


HEY!!!!!WHATS WITH THIS? i just created a 2nd generation ape (ape/ape) by combining a bossy (ape/gali) and a tropical ape (ape/plant) and it started out slower, stupider, and less accurate than its predsesors had started, can anybody tell me whats up with that?

-- Jordan Eizenga (, March 11, 2000.

-- torey luvullo (, April 13, 2000

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