errantry/tech chain link? - a "b" theory : LUSENET : B's Monster Rancher 2 : One Thread

THis is just a thought, so I don't have anything to back it up, and I'm not sure if anyone else has ever mentioned it before... Is it possible that the stage at which your monster learns a tech on errantry corresponds to that tech's placement on it's chain? So, for example, if you learn a tech at the first stage, it's the firts tech in a chain, and if you learn it at the second stage, it's the second tech in its chain, etc etc?

Anyone think of this before? Any evidence either way?

-- B Campbell (, March 13, 2000

Answers I'n not really sure about that one. Good point though. Kinda makes you wonder.....

-- cyberhillbilly (, March 13, 2000.


Well I have to say that it cant be true, my Bajarl Spooks learned Uppercut (A first in a tech chain) in its third stage of life, and 1- 2 Uppercut in its 3rd stage after using uppercut 50 times.

-- Damian (, March 13, 2000.


I think Hwat B is trying to say is you can't learn a third step tech BEFORE the third stage of life. It is a one way street In second stage you can learn all first and second step tech but not third. If I am understanding him correctly...

-- Golden Boy (, March 14, 2000.


I'm talking about errantry stages, not life stages. So, for example, if you went to the ski errantry, you'd learn the first tech in a chain on the 'watermelon' stage, and if you went to the pow errantry, you'd learn the second tech in a chain at the 'sleeping camel' stage.

-- B Campbell (, March 14, 2000.


It's an interesting idea, but I don't think so. My Undine (current monster) just learned Water Cannon on the first stage of the errentry. I think Water Cannon is a second in line in the chain. (I may be wrong). -Berge

-- Berge (, March 14, 2000.


You could be right B. I remember many of my monsters getting their second tech in a chain on the second errantry.

-- HEHE (, March 14, 2000.


second stage of errantry I mean

-- HEHE (, March 14, 2000.


I belive your right on the defence erantry my mocchi learned mocchi beam on flying bird one with the stones (sorry don't know the name)

-- shark (, March 14, 2000.


Hm, maybe not. My new Kato learned his first new tech on the third stage of the ski errantry, so I'm pretty sure it wasn't the third in a chain. however, he was only about 4 months old, so the stage you learn the tech at may orrespond with how difficult it is to learn the tech... if it's hard to learn, you'll learn it on a later stage.

-- B Campbell (, March 14, 2000.


I don't think it is so because I usually reload my errantries lots of times after seeing the moves they got (that is if only i lost in an errantry battle) and sometimes I get the move on the first stage sometimes the second or third and rarely the fourth. thats my two cents ^_^

-- Dragity (, March 14, 2000.


Since MR1 I've always felt that a monster learns a move when he reaces a certain stat level usually around 150 then again at 300. Maybe your monsters just happened to pass one of those marks on the first, second, or third stage of the errantr

-- Golden Boy (, March 14, 2000.

-- torey luvullo (, April 13, 2000

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