VCD Whitebook : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

What are the VCD White Book specs? Where can I get the VCD White Book online?

According to DVMPEG 5.0 Users Guide VCD White Book constraints are:

352x240@29.97 fps for NTSC or 352x288@25 fps for PAL encoded with 1125 Kbits/sec bitrate and stereo audio sampled at 44.1 kHz and encoded with 224 Kbits/sec bit rate.

It doesn't mention whether White Book audio is Layer I or II, but Panasonic seems to encode in Layer II. Also, the Panasonic VCD template encodes at 1150 Kbits/sec. Why doesn't it use 1125 Kbits/sec? Anyone know?

How do I convert an MPEG to White Book format? Thanks,

-- Michael S. Gilmore (, April 12, 2000


You are on the right track, 352x240 @ 29.97 fps NTSC 1150 Kbits/sec MPEG Audio Layer II I use the Pansasonic Encoder, and many people say that it is the best one quality wise. Both of those encoders can convert to the Video CD (Whitebook) format Good luck and I hope this helps

-- Jay (, April 12, 2000.

Hey Mike from what i have seen and read 1150 is the ntsc standard, while the 112 is for PAl

-- Doug (, April 12, 2000.

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