The best Christian : LUSENET : The Christian Church : One Thread

I have noticed that my Christian friends work really hard to be the best Christian. I don't see any problem with this per se but I have a problem with the fact that they seem to always be looking at the actions of others and making judgements. It's like they are trying to win God's love like it's a finite amount. What's up with this? Should they be judging others anyway or shouldn't they just be concerned with their own actions. Shouldn't they concentrate on their relationship with God? I also feel that religion plays a part in this since so many of us are 'sinners' and the goal seems to be not to be a sinner. THe idea of a 'best christian' makes christianity look like a race but shouldn't all christians be working together? Just a thought.

-- Anonymous, April 11, 2000



All your Christian friends? That is disappointing news to me.

While it is ok to work at being good, no amount of working to be good can win God's love. He already loves us. And yes, He has an infinite amount of love to give.

Now, we aren't just concerned with our own actions, but the actions of others. But not for the sake of judging them, but rather for the sake of building up the whole body, all of us. It is a team effort, though the bible does admonish us to train ourselves like it is a race.

But, what would define the best Christian, biblically. Jesus described leadership as being a servant, and taught to be first, you need to be last. The idea is that Christianity is an upside down kingdom. To be the best, you must be the least -- as defined by the world. You must be a servant of all. John 13 gives the profound example of this. Jesus knew who He was, He knew the power He possessed, so He got up from the table and washed everyone's feet, the lowest servant position of the time. He told those present that He had set an example for them, and to do likewise.

The point is, God's grace covers our sin. That doesn't mean we should purposefully keep sinning, but that does mean we don't concentrate on being "good" and perfect. No, God's grace frees us from trying to merit love by being good, so that we can freely serve God by serving others. The proper idea of being the best Christian is being the best servant.

-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000

All I can say to that is: AMEN!!

-- Anonymous, April 12, 2000

Many people who call themselves Christians are actually trying to prove their own goodness to God instead of accepting his forgiveness. This inevitably leads to showing one is better than others,a sort of spiritual competition, like Jesus' story of the Pharisee who prayed in the temple and compared himself to the publican. At the samel time, for the true disciple of Jesus, there is concern for others' growth and service. While one rejects the critical spirit (Mat. 7:1ff), one seek to build up others. This often requires admonition, correction, rebuke, and such like. The church of God is in such a sorry state because, in part, we are not willing to do this.

Randal Matheny Editor, FORTHRIGHT Magazine

-- Anonymous, April 16, 2000

Kami, it's human nature to strive to try to be better than another. Even the Apostles wanted to know who Jesus thought was the greatest between them. Then he showed them a child and said.......

If you look for the hypocrites to come up with an excuse to decide not to follow Jesus in life then you will most certainly find those hypocrites and hurt your own faith. I've been disillusioned at the judgementalism among religious people. Remember now how religious people were the ones yelling "crucify him" after they found out He wouldn't obey their will and overthrow the Romans. Jesus walked in true love. If you strive to look up to Him, then His Spirit of Truth will seek to talk to you. Forget looking at people. 1/3 of the angels fell away from the true love they had with God because they looked at an angel more than they looked at God. How much more will us humans fall away from God if we set our eyes on people. Try to learn the best and leave the rest when it comes to people. If some one's candle has burned out it is often easier for them to try to blow out another's than to relight their own.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000


I have to agree with Daniel here. Yes, there are hypocrites in the church, but isn't that the best place for them? Where else are they going to learn right from wrong. Yes we will have to endure much from our "Christian" brothers and sisters at times - but it is done to help them mature in Christ.

Sometimes we are forced to make moral judgments and work to correct those who are in error, but such is done for their benefit - not to knock them back a few places in the "Race". Sometimes there may be a fine line between the two - but walk it we must.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

Some quotes from a favorite author I found might be appropriate and helpful:

"If the Divine call does not make us better, it will make us very much worse. Of all bad men religious bad men are the worst. Of all created beings the wickedest is one who originally stood in the immediate presence of God." - C.S. Lewis, 'Reflections on the Psalms'

"Take the case of a sour old maid, who is a Christian, but cantankerous. On the other hand, take some pleasant and popular fellow, but who has never been to Church. Who knows how much more cantankerous the old maid might be if she were not a Christian, and how much more likeable the nice fellow might be if he were a Christian? You can't judge Christianity simply by comparing the product in these two people; you would need to know what kind of raw material Christ was working on in both cases." - C.S. Lewis, 'God in the Dock'

"Never, never pin your whole faith on any human being: not if he is the best and wisest in the whole world. There are lots of nice things you can do with sand; but do not try building a house on it." - C.S. Lewis, 'Mere Christianity'

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

That's some good stuff, John.

Great sermon illustrations and wonderful words to live by.

-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000

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