Audio problems : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Ok... I recorded a TV show off cable. The video quality was excellent, but the audio had some hiss and a few pops. So I decided to clean up the audio with Cool Edit 2000 Audio Cleanup Plug-In. I split the *.mpg using VCDCutter 4.03 to m1v and mp3(the mp3 was really mp2 I believe). I used WinAmp to convert the mp3 to wav. Then I used Cool Edit 2000 to get rid of the pops and hiss. Then I used the DOS wav2mp using the -b 224 and -j options to mp2. Then recombined with the m1v to create my mpeg file. It plays fine in software VCD players but has audio problems in my Pioneer 525. I haven't tried it in my Raite 715, but since I want to share this VCD I really need to get it to play properly across all players.

How do I determine if the resulting mpg is WhiteBook. Is there a good program that can take a VCD and tell you what the specs of it are?

I really need some serious help here guys. Thanks for listening.

Eagerly awaiting responses. Thanks in advance,

-- Michael S. Gilmore (, April 11, 2000


I'll answer my own question. VCDCutter isn't a very good program. I used DVMPEG 5.0 for the demultiplexing and mulitplexing and everything works fine now. wav3mp good. Winamp good. Cool Edit good.

VCDCutter BAD.

-- Michael S. Gilmore (, April 13, 2000.

The main thing VCDCutter professes to do is cut and join MPEG clips. It's good in that. For muxing and demuxing MPEG streams, though, look elsewhere because VCDCutter does it with results ranging from so-so to terrible (potential out-of-sync and glitches and ticks in the sound of a *.mpg file where there were none in the *.mp2 or *.mp3 original). DVMEPG hits the mark.

-- EMartinez (, April 15, 2000.

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