is there away to play vcd on a portable cdplayer? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i heard that it possable to chip your portable cd player so that it can play vcd movies, can anyone tell me if is true?
-- takwai cooc (, April 11, 2000
I don't know how, but it doesn't seem to be an easy job. There are models already do so, however. I bought a Panasonic while in Taipei last year, it was the typical portable CD player size, with CD, VCD and Karaoke capabilities built in. Don't remember how much was it, but it was pretty affordable, near the price of a Sony diskman.
-- Wayne Huang (, April 15, 2000.
You need to replace the decoder card of the cd player. This is practically impossible because there isn't enough space to install the card.
-- Daniel Lee (, April 18, 2000.