Y2KPRO is a pathetic tinfoil... and here is why...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

HA, HA, made ya look!!!!!


rollin' on the floor...

The Dog

-- The Dog (dogdesert@hotmail.com), April 11, 2000


Damn dog.

-- Porky (Porky@in.cellblockD), April 11, 2000.

ROFLMAO! I thought that was out of character for you dog :-)

-- (doomerstomper@usa.net), April 11, 2000.

This sure doesnt sound like the Dog to me.

-- Sifting (through@the.rubble), April 11, 2000.

I beg to differ...

sittin' on my ass with my paws in the air...


The Dog

-- The Dog (dogdesert@hotmail.com), April 11, 2000.

*rolls up news paper*

Bad! Bad Dog!

Keep your...

-- eyes_open (best@wishes.2all), April 11, 2000.

Y2k pro is an ass. I've been over at the Hyatt web group for over a year now. Dennis Olsen Is a man with a heart!

-- Luv myhomeboy@ F' off.com (vgd38@hotmail.com), April 11, 2000.

...yer just everywhere, aren't ya hawk?

-- Y2K Pro (y2kpro1@hotmail.com), April 11, 2000.

Tie that dog up!!

Why would anyone want to hang out at Hyatt's?

-- gilda (jess@listbot.com), April 11, 2000.

I'm sick to death of you people.By Gods good grace. You made it thru. You slander everyone, Why don't you people apply for Russian citizenship! or maybe you should learn manderin!

-- I'm not hawk@ S'T for Brains (vgd38@hotmail.com), April 11, 2000.


Quick, spray down the forum and fumigate at once. We have contracted the hideous Hyatt Meme strain for which there is no known cure. As you can observe from specimen vgd38, all critical body and mental functions will degrade to frightening levels. Hemlock anyone?

-- Sifting (through@the.rubble), April 11, 2000.

Sifting- AH an ex NKVD agent?, I see. Dont worry your secrets safe with me. Look up - Chemtrails 12 o'clock high!

-- No Commie@ allowed here (vgd38@hotmail.com), April 11, 2000.

Its Sir Dog nowadays he's been promoted

whereas y2kpr01 has been demoted to y2kamateur

what was that dog called in wacky races (shows how long it is since I've watched TV), what is an onomatopoeic repesentation of the wheezing laugh he had

-- knight of the brotherhood (richard.dale@onion.com), April 12, 2000.

The dog's name was "Muttley". And of course, his owner was "Dick Dastardley".

Kind of like Deja Vu all over again, eh?

-- Uncle Deedah (unkeed@yahoo.com), April 12, 2000.

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