Fuel costs lead Air Products of Allentown Pa. to raise prices

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Fuel costs lead Air Products of Allentown to raise prices

Air Products & Chemicals Inc., Allentown, said it added temporary surcharges on its products to help cover rising distribution costs after fuel prices surged. Air Products said it also increased selling prices 10 percent to 12 percent because demand had increased faster than supply. Oil prices rose by as much as a third during the first three months of this year, making it more expensive for the company to deliver its products. Air Products makes gases used in industries such as steel, food and medicine.

Fuel costs lead Air Products of Allentown Pa. to raise prices

-- Ain't Gonna Happen (Not Here Not@ever.com), April 10, 2000


Hey, enough with the silly spam

-- (..x@..x..), April 10, 2000.

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