Which is the best resolution?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I have been working with Panasonic plug-in and Premier 5.1 for some time. I have been encoding different resolutions at a video bit rate of about 1900. Everytime I try anything different from 352x240 or 704x480 the image shifts dramatically either to the left or right. It can also shift up and down. I am using the Pioneer 525. Can some one tell me why does my DVD player shifts the image that way. I am trying to use something above 352x240 but below 704x480. Any help is appreciated.

-- JC (jcanaca644@aol.com), April 10, 2000


Not all resolution are supported on DVD Players. It's not a problem with Panasonic and Premiere, simply your DVD player will not play at strange resolution. Your 525 is very forgiving, I have a 717 and it won't play everything out of specs. Someone has published a table of the resolution that are allowed by the most popular DVD players. I do not have it at hand, but if you search the latest version of "VCD bitrate calculator" i think you'll find it.

-- Brambus (kdwbr@tin.it), April 14, 2000.

i dont have an answer, but maybe you could help me, im trying to get the panasonic premier plug in but i cant seem to find it, every time i find it the link forwards me to un unknown service, can you pleas email me a site taht you got it from, thanks alot

-- jeremy (zjat8275@aol.com), April 12, 2001.

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