Mac G4 or Sony Vaio Z600? : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
I'm about to buy a new laptop and will be using it primarily to send pics and edit short documentaries (20 to 30 minute pieces). I use the Sony VX1000. Any advice on which would serve me best? Thanks Kim
-- Kim Bartley (, April 09, 2000
we recommend the Apple G3 500 as a laptop. It has firewire in and out. You can buy it through promax on line.
-- Dirck Halstead (, April 10, 2000.
id say get the sony vaio z600 (but make sure to get the HEK model!), sony products have a brilliance of compatibility. You also have the firewire ports on this laptop and best of all its not a mac!!
-- tom (, June 01, 2001.
i was faced with this same problem..i picked the vaio and i regret it now..i love using final cut pro...i made a big mistake...get the mac..its way faster and theres always virtual pc...
-- ryan fontana (, July 27, 2001.
well what you need is a fast processor, good hard drive space and a good display and a good amount of RAM. I use a dell laptop PIII with 128 MB RAM and a 32MEG Vedio RAM, 20 GIGS of hard disk. THough many would say Dell laptops are heavy but i couldnt find such a config for the price Dell was offering. THeir laptops are desktop replacament systems and yes they are bulky than most other laptops. But that wasnt a big consideration for me. Its not that bad. They have firewire ports too so you can connect your Sony VX1000. Feel free to email me incase you have any questions. All the best...Viv
-- Viv (, August 02, 2001.
I'd retire this web space. It's obsolete.
-- space (, August 20, 2002.
yes, i agree whoever is in charge should delete this page
-- Peter Gadsdon (, March 24, 2003.
Erm. Why is this page still here?!
-- Luke Burgess (, March 31, 2004.
still here...
-- Jim (, April 17, 2004.
Only the bad things survive. You can be sure that this page would have been deleted if there was anything useful.*G*
-- Your Full Name (, November 25, 2004.