Bad sound quality in VideoPack 4 menus : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi everyone

When creating a Video CD in VideoPack4 with two filmclips and a menu with music the music clip crackles. Even when VideoPack4 has converted it to to the proper format.

As *.mpa files don't need to be converted I have tried to this too with a file I found on the Internet. It sounded a little better but I want to make my own files. I have used Xing Encoder and made my own Audio Streaming Profile to create a *.mpa file with the following settings: MPEG 1(L2), 44100Hz, stereo, 224 Kbit/s

But I still get a very bad sound file wich is hardly recognisible.

As my file from the Internet worked better I suspect there is diffrent sound setting for the menu and the movie clips.

Can anyone help me with them?

I'm using a Pioneer 515 DVD player wich plays Video CD ok except for this little issue.

Many thanks in advance for any help.

Regards Hasse

-- Hasse (, April 08, 2000

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