Relationship between papparazzi and : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread |
Do you think that despite celebrities complaints about Papparazi photographers, they need each other, as without Papparazi photographs, celebrities would never be visualy represented in the press?
-- Rufus Jay (, April 07, 2000
I just watched a tv show on the subject last week; something on the order of "when cameras attack." These actors put themselves up for display at specific times. If they wanted someone to shoot them 100% of the time, they, I am sure, would ask otherwise, it's an invasion of their privacy. While watching the show, I couldn't help but notice that these Papparazi photos that they were showing where probably paid for, thus supporting the Papprazi.
-- Lee Fairbanks (, November 01, 2000.
-- a. b. c. (, November 10, 2000.
In countries with a well-developed paparazzi establishment there are few if any mafia kidnappings. That's cause the photographers are always around the stars. So Madonna and Oprah can thank us for that.James Mason Alaska
-- James Mason (, May 24, 2004.