how can i convert pal dvds to ntsc,please help!! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

How can I convert my pal dvds to ntsc videocd without little pause or frame drops. I think that is a panasonic encoder problem cause bbmpeg works ok. videocds done with panasonic+flask have frame drops. This problem doesnt appear if i convert pal dvd to pal VideoCD,Why??????

-- javier galvan (, April 07, 2000


Hi, what you will need in order to convert PAL DVDs to NTSC is a regionfree (codefree) DVD player and a video converter like the Tenlab converter. Try - they specialize in this equipment. Sebastian

-- Sebastian Harrison (, February 26, 2001.

javier you can use dvd shrink 3.1 i have changed alot of pal movies with this program.and you dont lose no quality or sound

-- charles (TCVARIETY2@MSN.COM), May 20, 2004.

You need IfoEdit.

-- Whitesnake (, September 06, 2004.

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