Flash problems with Kodak DC280

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I recently bought a Kodak DC280, but have found that pressing the flash button doesn't cycle through the flash options (Auto, Off, Fill, RedEye) the way the manual says... usually. I have hooked it up to the Camera Controls software included in the package, and if I mess with the controls enough there, I can get the camera into a state where the flash button then works as it should. When I turn the camera off and then on again, the flash setting is reset to "Off", even though, in Camera Setup, I have set the default to Auto.

I have read through the manual trying to find solutions to these problems, but without much luck. Do anyone have any ideas as to what could be going on here?

Thanks, DJM

-- Dayne May (dayne.may@gbst.com), April 06, 2000


no, the reason is that your camera is set to Document mode. Change it to no effect and it will work fine.

-- Tom (Crescent1925@hotmail.com), January 08, 2002.

Check Camera Setup and make sure that the default value for Flash is not set to "off"

-- osu900 (osu9400@yahoo.com), August 03, 2003.

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