VCD breaks while playing - Is it because of the CD-R media : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

This is my first VCD creation. I have Sony VIOA PC. I am capturing from Sony Cam, convering to mpeg and burn using Sony CDR/Adaptec EZ cd creator 4.0. When I play first few tracks the Raite DVD player stops and reloads again, bust after few tracks the quality is good have no problem at all. Is it the CD-R media what I am using for burn giving problem. If so what is the best brand for the CD-R media?

-- karthik (, April 06, 2000


I used to own a Philips DVD player that would momentarily freeze during playback. After weeks of researching I was finally able to narrow it down to the DVD player. Very few DVD players can handle CD-R disks without problems. It turned out that basically every mpg files consists of errors. Some players handle the errors gracefully and some don't. Philips tried to convince me it was my software. I found out through this site that they were wrong and they eventually admitted it. As far as I know the Pioneer DVD player ids the only one that can play CD-R's with no problems. I traded my Philpips for the Pioneer 525. take the disks that are in question to your local dealer and try them in different machines and that will tell you if if is the media. I don't the media is the problem unless you are using ones that say they are specifically for audio

-- Al McCraw (, April 06, 2000.

i agree with Al the Pioneer 525 is one good machine for video cds/cdrs. Also for the record i have made vcds for people who give me those "audio only" cdrs but they play fine of their systems when i put the vcd info on them

-- Doug (, April 06, 2000.

This is true....Using audio only media is just taking a chance. The way it was explained to me is that audio cd media can have more errors because audio isn't affected by disk errors as much as video. I did one video cd n an audio only cd and the blockiness was very noticeable. I went to Walmart and bougt a higher grade media and the same video looked fine. Ever since then I have used to cheaper disks for audio and try to by the best I can find for video recording. Mitsui is supposed to be one the best. I have good look with Memorex and most of the others though

-- Al McCraw (, April 07, 2000.

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