Peter de Jager is Back, and this Time the Focus is on Managing Change and Technology : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

His new newsletter was released today.

In case you're interested, you can subscribe at:

Peter de Jager


-- FM (, April 05, 2000


One post-script to this: Peter de Jager's new newsletter is in .pdf format and must be downloaded when you receive it.

You can convert any .pdf file into a file you can read on your browser. You can also convert any .pdf file into a text document. Go here for details:

At any rate, upon re-reading the email from Peter de Jager today, I believe I have permission to post the following:

Greetings Folks!

Welcome to the first issue of Managing Change & Technology

Lets go through some details... (We have just shy of 3,550 subscribers)

1) It is an ACROBAT file... it should have the file type of PDF

If you do not already have the free acrobat reader then you can download it from:

2) If youre an AOL user then life isnt simple... If you see this message... Error "...File does not begin with '%PDF-'" When Opening PDF File Sent Via E-Mail When you try to open a PDF file sent or received via an e-mail application or America Online (AOL), Adobe Acrobat Reader or Acrobat Exchange returns the error, "There was an error opening this document. File does not begin with '%PDF-'." The PDF file has a .mim extension rather than a .pdf extension.

goto for solutions

3) Size of file... 228k Yep... I know... its a bit big. BUT PDF is one of the most common readers which allows me to do a little bit of artistic layout. I will stick with this format for the moment.

4) Redistribution. Not only do you have permission to resend this newsletter to other people I would ASK you to do this for me as a favour. If you know someone who could benefit from this newsletter... PLEASE send it to them.

5) Articles... Now that youve seen the first issue... you know the type of thing Im looking for. Although keep in mind the first issue just sets the tone. MC&T will change (fancy that!) as I get a better sense of what people are interested in.

6) Request for feedback... Folks, I want to hear from you. What did you like... What would you like to change Etc. etc.

Please send your comments to with a subject heading of MC&T Feedback.

Thats it!


Peter de Jager

From: Peter de Jager (905) 792-8706

Just passin' it on...


-- FM (, April 05, 2000.

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