Videopack 4 - Only first two tracks are ok : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I can use Videopack 4 to burn Vcds with menus. But, only the first two tracks work. Someone in this group complained about that. Most didn't. I really want some features in Videopack (winoncd 3.7 PE is not power enough). Is there a work around for the problem?


-- Yong (, April 05, 2000


Did you find an answer for this problem. I had the similar problem with WinOnCD 3.6 and VideoPack 4 with update. I was only able to read first 3-4 tracks. These VCDs works fine on consumer players, but not in S/W players. The problem does not happen, if you install VideoPack 4 by itself (i.e. without update).

- Pat

-- Pat (, August 28, 2000.

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