How space required for 30min : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I wuold like to transfer VHS to CD. As part of building knowledge on the procedure, I would like to understand the hard disk requirements. If, for example, I want to record 30 minutes of video how much disk space do I need?
-- Masai Chadi (, April 04, 2000
If you capture to MPEG 1 Video CD Ready, it is about 10MB per minute. So a 30 min clip capturing in MPEG 1 VCD Ready would be about 300MB. If you are capturing in AVI format, I'm not sure.
-- Jay (, April 04, 2000.
The storage space used for capture depends on how you capture it.A 3000kbit/sec capture will take about 650M for 30 minutes and about half, as Jay says, for a vcd data rate capture. In avi capture its likely that a half size frame will take up from 1200 to 1800megs and a high quality full frame capture in analogue about 7560M. A digital firewire capture 6480M.
If your actually going to edit the capture then with some processes you can double the storage requirments because you have to make the file again or you need a timeline encoder to simply add 650M or 2650M to the storage requirement without deleting something during the process.
In firewire DV source material my 30 minute VCD track takes 6480 + 2650 = 9130M of storage out of an 12000M on two drives.
Some good illustrations of the problems associated with the process.
-- Ross McL (, April 05, 2000.
ANOTHER QUESTION: When your answers say VCD ready, what does this mean exactly? Is there anything out in the market today that can capture video from a VHS tape to harddrive instantly VCD ready (white book compiant, or something like this?) or do we have to do a bunch of steps after capturing in order to get it VCD READY?I have a ATI ALL-IN-WONDER card that captures MPEG1 & MPEG2 but don't believe it captures it as VCD ready. 30 minutes of VHS video at a good quality takes about 650M of disk space for this card and reducing this causes blocky pictures.
-- Tony (, April 07, 2000.