Need someone to write with? : LUSENET : R.E.M. : One Thread

Hey everybody, I'm looking for one/more to write with, about REM mostly, but also other stuff. If you are interessed just write to me. (Age doesn't matter)

-- Thomas Tefcke Pedersen (, April 04, 2000


Are You sad?

-- Thomas Morrin (, May 11, 2000.

What did you mean about that? Sad like pathetic sad?Or sad like gloomy?

-- Driver8 (, May 12, 2000.

Hello, my'name'lucie and i have see your message on the rem's site, if i undestand very well, you find someone to write with you. If you are ok, i want to write you too. But for the moment that going to be hard for me because i have internet only at school and like tomorow i have exam i cant going everytime on internet.But when i going to find a nother internet'shop, i promess you i contact you directeli this is my address e-mail

ps:i'm sorry if i do some fault when i write in english because i'm from belgium

i see you soon

-- lucie polidoro (, June 06, 2000.

Lucie, How Old are you? I'm 16 and turning 17 on October 6th a Jounior in Kamiak High School.

-- Stephanie (, July 25, 2000.

Thom, maybe i can help u out, i love writing, and even though u yourself probably know enough abut r.e.m i'm sure i can provide a different prospective. let me know on any plans u have,thats if u want to....

-- Amit (, July 29, 2000.

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