How much of a geek are you? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread |
I got a 21, which makes me a geek in training. Perish the thought.
Discuss your geekiness, not just vis a vis this test. We want to know EVERYTHING.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
41 or Grand Geek, level 8/9. Yep, I've been on the Net since 1982, and right now it's 8 pm in the year 2000 and I'm sitting at my desk eating microwave food and playing with the computer. Hello, world.The thing that keeps me from being a Great Wheel of the Universe is that I do not actually code, except for HTML which as we all know is girly stuff like tech writing and PR and content creation. Once long ago I actually modified FORTRAN and dBASE programs. Now I just tweak the controls and write shell scripts that usually don't work. A friend described it as being a para-programmer.
But I want to code! I want to learn C and Java and have the power to create and destroy features in open source before an audience of thousands! (And double my salary.) The geek test page provided a link to coding training, but it was broken. Anyone wanna join me in hacking around it?
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
Your score is: 36 Your Geek Level is... STANDARD ISSUE GEEKYou made the grade! Thank you for doing what you do best. You're not just a "technologist," you're a geek. You live and breathe the stuff that few people are able to grasp. In the 21st century gold rush you are the gold: coming up with the ideas that fuel a new way of living. If you're not already heading a cool tech company find your calling in Career Search.
And for the record, I'm married to an Alpha Geek. (But, I already knew that.)
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
43! Grand Geek!
I never knew I was so geeky
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
Your score is: 24
Your Geek Level is...
GEEK WORTHYYou're gettin' there. Some things you do are down right geeky. But to make it official you've got to go the extra gigabyte. The steps to improved geekiness begin here. Make technology work for you as part of your own mind and body. Think in HTML, like this "YOU". I'm encouraged, I swear I'll get there yet! The test has absolutely no questions regarding a liking for Star Trek, Monty Python, Douglas Adams, X-Files or anything like that. How can I take this seriously as a geek test? (Yes, I love all of those things. And I wear glasses. If you like geek-girls, I'm your gal.)
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
I'm obviously not geek enough to hit return twice or to put in an "end paragraph" tag. D'oh!
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
Your score is: 37 Your Geek Level is... GRAND GEEK
I'm polishing those coding skills cause I'm just a few steps behind the Alpha dream. I guess I'm not surprised.
I would have liked to see other GEEK related questions like:
Do you have a pair of glasses with tape holding them together AND you wear them in public?Michael of The Road Trip
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
My score was 17 "Geek In Training". But you already knew that since I still can't figure out how to add a link in here properly!
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
"GRAND GEEKWell you didn't quite make it to the top but you're pretty close. You've got all the makings of greatness: the knowledge, wisdom, experience, and dedication... "
That is about right. I had a home computer in 1975. I have an Osborne I and a Mac SE still. Since I left the service in 1994 I've worked as a C/C++ programmer. I still have someways to go to become a grand geek. I can see Grand Geekness from where I am,but it always seems just out of reach. I sympathize with Antonio Salieri.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
20, Geek in Training. I'm content -- considering that I'm a lawyer who uses my computer exclusively for legal research and writing, e-mail and web-surfing.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
29: Geek WorthyThe fact that I've trained as a paleontologist and don't actually *have* to use computers might also have something to do with my low score.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
not that i didn't already know:Your score is: 35 Your Geek Level is... STANDARD ISSUE GEEK
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
wow!Your score is: 44 Your Geek Level is...
Congratulations, you are a geek for all geeks. Do you find that great things happen when you're around. That's because you're an Alpha geek. With your near limitless knowledge your teams go further and do better things than anyone around. We wish we could clone you and make this world a better place.
Fear my wrath!
I think I slipped through the cracks somehow though, probably with the Linux question. Or maybe...[little voice in Kristin's head starts to singsong, "denial ain't justa river in Egypt, loser!"]
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
I scored 27. Not a very good geek, I'm not.Truth be told, I don't really like computers that much. I wish there were some other way to access the Internet than via computer. Like, maybe via direct brain implant. Computers annoy me on a daily basis, and I have daydreams about finding a job in which I wouldn't have to stare at one for 8 hours straight.
Guess I'll keep dreaming.
Obligatory Weekly Journal Pimp: My Life in 12-Point Font
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
not much cuz I don't even know what geeky test you're talking about. I was up till 4am playing with html.. does that count?just give me the link, yo.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
I scored 20, which is geek in training. Meaning that I'm approximately as little of a computer geek as I've always suspected. Which is not to say that I may not be a geek in other areas, of course
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
Your score is: 40 Your Geek Level is...GRAND GEEK
i'm about to get my master's in computer engineering in a month, so that isn't much of a surprise. i hate coding, which is why i'm not an alpha geek--my specialty is computer architecture.
-- Anonymous, April 04, 2000
GEEK WORTHYI took the old test too, and came up as Geek Worthy on it as well. Guess I need to learn some programming language other than HTML and memorise a few of those IP addresses...
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000
My score was 10. It claims I am a wannbe. Only I don't wanna be... I guess I got extra points the length of time I've been online or something, or for having more than one email address. Other than that, I figured my answers were pretty much of the "I don't want to see what's inside the box or behind the pretty pages" variety.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000
Hey, wow, me and Pamie are the same level of Geekiness. I feel so special now.I just bought a G4 and am getting a high speed SDSL line run to my house so I can have a webserver. I am going to create the ultimate free template-drive web-based-management online zine and journal hosting service.
Now that's geeky.
I also (gulp) used to be a huge gamer, but I'll post more about that on Pamie's forum later.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000
I am a "grand geek", and I'm sure I would have scored higher if I could have said my brain was similar to Perl, "the duct tape of the internet and everything else".
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000
Standard issue. Though it doesn't exactly allow for questions like LUG membershipt0 while I don't do much with Linux, I'm an officer in the local LUG. Go figure, since I don't even code other than HTML.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000
On the Geek Girl test, I got Geek In Training. On the boys test I got Geekworthy (needs to try harder).I'm a tech writer, I have my own web page, but I'm not a geek. Computers are just tools, not an end in themselves for me. I could never be a geek cause I don't like science fiction enough.
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000
Your score is: 36 Your Geek Level is... STANDARD ISSUE GEEKSo this is why everyone waits for me to change the ink cartridges in all the printers, the copier and the fax machine.
All I know is - when working in an office DON'T PISS OFF THE HEAD GEEK!
-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000
LOL Sorry gang I think I got the lowest score of 6! Geekless!But somehow, I felt relieved. When I took the test I realized quickly I was out of my league.
In fact I'm surprised I got as high as I did.....
-- Anonymous, April 06, 2000