Using MGI Videowave to edit and burn c.d. : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I am using Videowave ver.II to edit my clips. I do not have any trouble capturing directly from VHS source to MPEG and burning directly to (Adaptec) a compliant C.D.. I can view using CDRW with a Sony DVD. I would like to edit and then burn but the sofware ver.II will not allow a compliant c.d.. Version III does. Does anyone use version Videwave III or could I achieve better quality after editing and using the Panasonic encoder?

-- John R. Murphy (, April 04, 2000


John, I capture source (Video Cam, TV or VHS...) directly to MPEG-1 Files at a high bitrate, as high as I can go and not loose frames. I edit with iFilm edit and then encode with the Panasonic encoder. Yes it is very time consuming, but I have gotten very good results. Much better than my original captures to VCD compliant. I am not familiar with Videowave so can not offer you a comparison. I burn my CDR's with either adaptec or NTI. Best of Luck.

-- TR7110 (, April 05, 2000.

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