US Slipping, Europe to the Front on Internet : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

True freedom of speech is about to begin. It will surprise many!

A survey from eGlobal, the eGlobal Report, shows US dominance in the Internetuser stakes is on the downward trail as the growth of Web users is significantly slower than two years ago.

The report, comprising 278 pages with 350 charts and graphs, also shows Europe as the Internet vanguard, with Latin America poised for growth and China "arrived to stay."

"Users worldwide" figures are expected to climb to 361.9 million by the year 2003, up from the 130.6 million people who were actively using the Net at year-end 1999.

By year-end 2000, the report concludes, only 42 percent of the world's active Internet users will come from the United States. That percentage is expected to continue in decline as Internet use rapidly accelerates elsewhere.

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For those who have been on the net a long while:

-- viewer (, April 04, 2000

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