Making a Video CD with seamless : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I know that this question have been up before but I can't find the answer. I would be very happy if anyone could help me.I would like to make a Video CD with chapters that doesn't make a pause between every chapter or clip. Something similiar to a DVD disc.
Is there anyway around this? I'm using VideoPack 4.
Thankfull for any help.
Regards Hasse
-- Hasse (, April 03, 2000
Hasse, I am not familiar with VideoPack 4. I have used Adaptec to make VCD's and have tried the option of Disc at once to eliminate the 2 second pause between tracks. I did the chapters to correspond to scene changes or transition fades so I can not tell if it is totally transparent but their is not a two second pause between tracks. NTI CD Maker also has a disk at once feature but their definition of what it does is different than Adaptec. Best of luck.
-- TR7110 (, April 05, 2000.
the only problem is the NTI will not let you use the "disk at once" option for video cd
-- Doug (, April 05, 2000.
you can do it in nero..after you drag your mpeg into the window right click on it and click properties .. then change the default to 0 second pause.if you need to do it to multiple clips then select all the clips first and dont let go of the shift button then right click etc..
-- john boy (, January 10, 2002.