Good time Charlies got the blues : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

What about the "e" word? electronis elephant eggplant ecclesiastes NO EARNINGS wrong focus rain on the scarecrow blood on the plow Don't bet the ranch Liquidators wall to wall at the moment weak leadership nervous bulls in tech paper stock they are all paper

Good morning fund growth growth fund keep me searching for a heart of gold build a brand B to B B to C portals bery hot only gonna get hotter WOULD YOU LIKE TO BUY SOME GIRL SCOUT COOKIES??? no I bought some from the girl down the street don't get burned back up Jimmy risk analysis performance viagra management pay nothing till 2001 manage performance tube steak boogie under pressure under preform price target could exceed expectations are you wishin??? Heaven Hill is on fire.

Do you want to buy some girl scout cookies. no thank you Why are they doing this struggling hunger 2nd offering cast your vote indicator unlock some value Goto our website high gas prices IRAN been along time since I rock and roll talking in my ear you hear them too??? overseas investors OPEC mixed close major impact Lord do you remember me? market cap get to work on time log on middle aged woman aint got no soul.

Save bucks Pick you up and take you away seet crude can't you see the stop sign questionable accounting practices Latin Americ Meanwhile in Hong Kong Hong Kong phooey biggest weekly drop people are worried Its a death trap. Would you like to buy some girl scout cookies? NO thank you I hope Neil Young will remember the cracks in the dike are radiating can you find a vein??? I WANT CANDY I WANT CANDY

Old economy/new economy the uniform people NWO national identity card worldwide delivery service Mama I want---doesn't taste like store bought Pokemon frequent urination streaming glory of man glory of God non-professional exchange fees free trial free trades sign here food pryamid don't play with your food natural sring water Amy what do you want to do??speical blends torso track Mount Uso hot springs Arkansas somewhere we lost our mission one hand on the ground one hand in space.minimize risk maximize returns

Go short Go long have trouble falling asleep? don't ask worst case scenerio I've lost 40 lbs since thanksgiving whats that stop calling me someday we are gonna laugh at this HA HA I'm laughing now do you want some girl scout cookies???

Fast confirmation aggressive growth subadvised I'm no fool buy one get one free take over bid premium sensitve eyes DAEMON-MAILER parental responsibility investing responsibility I'm running after rails like a crazy train my money is just about worn out.

I've got this feeling I just can't shake.

-- same as b4 just different now (Gold@silver get you.some), April 02, 2000


Creative Writing 101 C-

-- (, April 02, 2000.

There's a point [or a song] here somewhere. I'll let Chuck find it like he did the last time.

-- Anita (notgiving@anymore.thingee), April 02, 2000.

I think that the psychiatrists call this a "word salad" :^)

-- Jim Cooke (, April 02, 2000.

Ate Mad Cow.

-- JIT (, April 02, 2000.

Hi Same,

Honey, it sounds to me like you're having a hard time putting your thoughts in order. That's Ok, because sometimes all it takes a a little kindness and a helping hand to get us back on track. Can I see if I can help you a little bit with that?

Since you signed off with, "gold and silver, get you some" I'm wondering if you lost money on them and that set you off? I've been very fortunate in my life, and I've never had anything financially devastating happen to me. However, I can imagine how I would feel if it did happen, and I'm sure I'd probably be totally confused and not know what to do. However, I don't have to have lived it to know there's people out there who can help you. If you think you do need help, will you please say so? I'm sure there are other members of this forum who would like to see you get help, and collectively, maybe we can get you back on track. How does that sound?

-- (Ladylogic@...), April 02, 2000.

This is Eschalon on drugs.

-- (@ .), April 02, 2000.

I also posted this

please *see*

-- same as b4 (Gold@silver get you.some), April 02, 2000.

JIT, laughed myself silly.

-- gilda (, April 02, 2000.

same as b4--The rhythm and tempo of your writing reminds me of Bob Dylan's "Subterranean Homesick Blues". It was sometimes hard for me to figure out what Bobby was saying, but I still enjoyed his music and lyrics.

-- (aerie@eagles.nest), April 02, 2000.

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