Play VCD on CDi...Help please... : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I can create VCDs and play them on my CDi player. But I can't reverse or fast forward it (I use EasyCD 4, Nero 4 or Win On CD 3.7) : the fonction is just desactivated...

Does anybody know a solution, or a better soft to use?

I have got CDMotion for VCD but not the serial...

Help me pease.......

-- (, April 02, 2000


This is a limitation, not of the authoring s/w or any aspect of VCD but by the CD-i format. Some notes on this are covered in the help in VCD Creator in Easy CD. Specifically, a CDI folder is included in the root directory of our Video CD just to give some form of playability to any CD-i player with a digital video cartridge. The files in that folder are what the CD-i player uses as a cue to play the tracks in the MPEGAV folder. Complete mpeg files such as those in the MPEGAV folder are what part of the CD-i spec caters for and nothing else on our VCD, that's why, for example, items in the SEGMENT folder can't be recognized by CD-i players. The way these tracks are in White Book do not also correspond completely to that of Green Book (CD-i) spec that's probably why you can't rev or ff. It may be possible to put such functionality on a VCD but the tracks would have to be repeated in a separate folder just for the CD-i player to completely recognize but since CD-i players are simply no longer in vogue few care either way.

-- EMartinez (, April 02, 2000.

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