Getting rid of bad audio. Pops and : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Recently I recorded an episode of Star Trek: TNG off cable Fox 6 in San Diego. At first I thought I had a grounding problem. It wasn't a grounding problem just poor audio broadcast.Does anyone know how to get buzz and hiss out of the audio and/or tone the hiss down?
What tools should I be using to remove buzz and hiss from the audio?
While I'm at it what are people using to clean up video artifacts?
Thanks in advance, it means alot to me.
-- Michael S. Gilmore (, April 02, 2000
Hey Mike,the adaptec 4.0 full retail version offers part of its program to clean up the hiss and pop found on records. Although i never have had the chance to play with it. This probably will help your file. When i re-encode my files with the panasonic i use the video filter set to adaptive and strong. This clears up A LOT of video artifacts and makes the picture quite nice. im sure though their might be other straight up filter programs out there though
-- Doug (, April 02, 2000.
While the advanced audio features of Easy CD 4 are good for what they are, you might outgrow their clunkiness and will want something else. To that end I've used Cool Edit by Syntrillium which does what that in Easy CD does and more and better. This is shareware. Not registering allows you to use only two of any features anytime, while paying $25 or $50 allows you to use more. Another I've tried I've come to know from the flyer that came with Easy CD: Ray Gun by Arboretum which very effectively removed 60Hz hum from some audio cassette recordings I've transferred to CD. Hope they help.
-- EMartinez (, April 02, 2000.
Thanks for all the help! I downloaded a demo version of Cool Edit 2000 and it worked really well. I also downloaded a demo version of Ray Gun. It's need that Ray Gun can handle 60hz hum, which could come in handy. But so far Cool Edit seems to give me better results. Maybe I'm just not using Ray Gun correctly. The results from Cool Edit were great. I just wish it could handle *.mp2 files.Thanks again.
-- Michael S. Gilmore (, April 09, 2000.