possible problem with PDR-M4

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I recently bought a PDR-M4 camera and I have noticed that in some areas with constant colors, escpecially dark colors(black is the worst) that their tends to be a great deal of noise. The dark areas look like they are made up of small green and pink dots that average out to be the correct color. On my 17" monitor this is noticable at 50% zoom, and is very prominent at 100%. The parts that gets me is that the lighter colors look absolutley phenominal, and pictures from reviews don't seem to have this problem. Can someone maybe look at one of my pictures and tell me if I am going crazy or if my camera needs servicing? My Email is LukeMurph-e-y@juno.com I would really appreciate any help!!!!!

-- Luke MurphEy (LukeMurph-e-y@juno.com), April 01, 2000


It may not be related to your problem, but you should be aware there's a flash upgrade to the camera's firmware available from Toshiba. If nothing else, having the most recent version eliminates one class of possibilities from consideration.

-- Mark Grebner (Mark@Grebner.com), April 02, 2000.

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