Panasonic Plugin and Adobe : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I've read the latest contributions by Ross to the question of the quality in VCD encoding. I use to capture 352x576 in PAL and then resize in Premiere to 352x288. Having tested (and testing) a wide range of MPG encoding products i'd like to know a bit more about the quality problems of the Panasonic Adobe Plugin when resizing from the timeline. Are you suggesting any workaround ? Do you think that others plugins suffers of the same problem? in that case it should be a Premiere problem ... I don't like capturing QIC with my DC30+ (and also with my old Marvel G200)because i feel that motion suffers and jagged lines are everywhere. Resizing fom full screen with Virtual Dub bicubic option is great but time (and space - without recompressing!) consuming... Any contribution is welcome !
-- Brambus (, April 01, 2000