how to turn mpg.file into vcd compliant : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, I'm trying to turn some mpg file into vcd format for viewing on tv. I have a cd burner and using nero software.Most of the mpg file that I had downloaded fr the net is not compliant.I heard the file's properties must be changed. May I know how. Pls enlightened.Thanx

-- peter (, April 01, 2000


want to make vcd out of dat file or mpeg format i have got the yamaha cdrw model no 4416 . and adeptec softwear. can u help me.

-- Ranjoy Ghosh (, April 01, 2000.

I just bought my CD-RW, but I would sugest you to go at and download the file It is supposed to encode your .avi files to MPEG1 (VCD compilant). I have already tried to burn a CDRW as VCD but my DVD player coudnt read it. Does anyone knows what type of media is best for VCD?

-- Luis Santos (, April 02, 2000.

To peter: use Panasonic mpeg encoder or Xing mpeg encoder to convert to VCD- mpeg format.

To Luis Santos: Try to use CDR with light blue dye at bottom. Don't use green bottom CDR as dark colour will block the DVD laser ray. I use Princo brand.

-- mr cdr (, April 03, 2000.


-- rushi Barate (, July 24, 2001.

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