Jenni - moving to Sacramento!? : LUSENET : Xeney : One Thread

Just a quickie - I read yesterday that Jenni of Jennicam fame is thinking of moving to Sacramento - would those of you who live down that way be keen to meet her? What do you guys think of the Jennicam phenomena?

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2000


I know someone who knows her, and gave her a cam that she didn't need... so I ended up with the cam. Small world.

But as far as "meeting her"... I'd be just as keen to meet her as any other journaller in my area... I don't think she's any different than any other webcam person...though I do think webcamming is a little different than journalling, it's along the same lines. The only reason everyone knows about her is because she has been on TV and in Entertainment weekly and such... you gotta remember that she's an actual human being just like anyone else.

Which is why I believe that while hits and readership are nice, they don't really matter... you still have to get up and go to work every day... or at least I do... heh.

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2000

having chatted with Jenni on numerous occasions, i can tell the sacramento people that's she is incredibly sweet and cool and you're lucky to have her :-)

-- Anonymous, March 31, 2000

wow.. it's a small Internet. Yes, I was put on a mission to find her a house. Jennifer and her business manager Jodi ( spent some time with me in Feb., then Jodi came out again last week, and Jennifer caught us on cam frolicking and playing in the backyard! We were busted, and I was instructed to find her a house immediatly. One week later the papers were signed.

I sent her an email with all the necessary links she'd need to settle into Sacramento, and included since Beth talks about the area so much. Busy busy busy.. I fly to DC at the end of April to help with a charity 'cam grrl' car wash, and then we're going to pack her up and drive back to California.

I never knew Jennicam was a phenomena, I had met her online as a friend, through ana voog. ( She's a sweet, normal person.. yea!

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2000

Hmmm. The house next door is "sale pending"... you don't suppose? It does have the big backyard.

Just so long as the Rio Linda rednecks with the FOUR dogs who want to fence the front don't move in. It sounds too much like drunken loud parties.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2000

Hey, I resemble that remark!

stasi, who was one of the 15% of students who actually graduated from Rio Linda High School

(but I only have one dog).

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2000

awww.. stasi... we heart you for that!!!

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2000

Oh yea.. I did want to make one point.. which is that being on cam imo, is not much diff. then writing a journal. You still put your life up for display, (as much as you choose), you chronicle your life with pictures rather then words. I'm not skilled at sticking all the right words in the proper places and making it sound appealing like beth and stasi. But.. i'm a tad bit better wih sticking my cam out the back window of my house and rolling around in my backyard and letting the world see that. When cam people meet, it's sorta awkward as well, because these people have watched a good portion of our lives online and know soo much about us already. Dex and I had a pretty good fight last year while we were broken up,and the cam caught the whole scene of me throwing his stuff out the front door. :o/

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2000

yeah, what courtney said...meeting cam people can be weird. the first time I met ee of and her boyfriend, i kept thinking "i've seen these people naked!" but after awhile it's not so weird :-)

-- Anonymous, April 02, 2000

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