Where can I get Babylon 5 series on silver VCD?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Where can I get the Babylon 5 series on VCD?

Thanks in advance.

-- Anvil (anvil@san.rr.com), March 31, 2000


www.videocds.com original english video-cd's. They will also be selling all starwars movies from the 4-th of april..

-- stephane (pliskens@yahoo.com), April 01, 2000.


You can find Babylon and other Sci-Fi titles at VideoValley.COM


regards, Vincent

-- Vincent Chen (vincent@videovalley.com), May 07, 2000.

Warner Brothers Singapore is the only place you can get the series from (all 5). However, they will not even answer you re exporting them outside the country. I have the 2nd half of the first series, but thats all I have managed to get.

-- Tau Ceti (tauceti@globalfreeway.com.au), January 15, 2001.

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