AVI ENCODINGgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
Owner of a DV500 i'd like to encode with panasonic MPG1 encoder the AVI file which i created with Premiere and saved pinnacle AVI settings.When i try to encode i get an error message and it is not working.
If i save my AVI file windows or quicktime settings it is working. The problem is that the saving of those,windows and quicktime, take a lot of time (5 hours for 10 minutes video)
Has someone an idea a suggest to that.
-- ROBERT CUBRIC (atalrc@pt.lu), March 31, 2000
Normal duration, even with a very speedy CPU (PII450). Nothing to do.
-- Pierre CHAUDEAU (pchaudea@oce.fr), April 05, 2000.