What capture card to buy??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hi, my question is what capture card to buy if I want to capture video for DVD making? Stereo Audio is enough and good (not stunning) video quality is enough.

-- Riad Hanna (riadhanna@ozemail.com.au), March 30, 2000


I have a Matrox Marvel G400 TV and I really like it. The quality is excellent. I've talked to a guy that has a $1500 MPEGator card that does MPEG1 encoding in real time and he told me that the Matrox Marvel/Panasonic Software Encoder combo produces better MPEG1 then his $1500 card, although it is very convienent to get straight to MPEG1.

At $289 True Price from http://www.outpost.com, you can't beat the price/performance. Hope that helps.

-- Michael S. Gilmore (mgilmore@san.rr.com), March 31, 2000.

ATI all in wonder 128 32Mb is quite good also, and create directly (hardwarely)Mpeg 1 et 2 movies. You must have a good CPU, minimum PII 450 or PIII 500.

-- Pierre CHAUDEAU (pchaudea@oce.fr), April 05, 2000.

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