Lens Accessories For CoolPix 800

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I purchased a Coolpix 800 and am interested in finding the opinion of others concerning Lens attachments. Nikon of course sells three and an advertiser here has some interesting bundles. I am interested to know from others experience what the quality of the picture is with these add-ons, and are nikon lens better in picture quality than what's being sold by third parties? For those who know, they (i.e. BugeyeDigital.com) also sell a slave flash unit that apparently works with the 800 (it trips when the auto flash trips), any body use this?

Like to hear from as many users of these lens as possible. If anyone has shots to compare would be most interested in viewing them as well. I am not sure its worth the money for this level of camera but I would like to hear other user's thoughts on the matter.


-- Mike S. (mikespag@snip.net), March 29, 2000


I just visited the website and cannot seem to find that slave you have mentioned. Can you be more specific on which model it was? I'm looking for a slave too that will work with the 700/800... The ones I have found are the digi-slaves flashes which are just too big/expensive but they are the only ones that does not trip on the pre-flash...

-- Keat Lim (keatlim@my-deja.com), March 30, 2000.


Go to flash units, then look at Electronic Flash Slave. I don't know any more than what's on the page there about it. I am not sure if it will work with the Canon 800 hence my question to others if they have used it.


-- Mike S. (mikespag@snip.net), March 30, 2000.

ahh ok.. well I can tell you that the 700/800 sends out a pre-flash prior to the main flash (it is very subtle) but most slaves trigger on the pre-flash. http://www.srelectronics.com/ sells the slaves you are looking for if you're interested... I just need more compact ones like my midi slaves...

-- Keat Lim (keatlim@my-deja.com), March 30, 2000.

I have used two Kenko converter lenses to extend the range of my Nikon 800 zoom. The telephoto is their 2X KGT-20 which will require a 28mm to 37mm step-up adapter. It is truly superb! I am very particular about image quality and it is extremely sharp corner to corner, with no noticeable chromatic distortion. Autofocus works perfect with it. It is also pretty inexpensive (expect about $35). The wide-angle is their .42X converter (KW-42 I think - also 37mm thread size). Its quality is distinctly worse, but not too bad if you set the Nikon zoom to the telephoto end of the zoom range, in which case it will result in an effective focal length of 25-30mm (35mm equivalent). I hear Nikon's wide angle is very good but much more expensive.

The Nikon 800 has a pre-flash, so you will need a slave sensor that triggers on the second flash - I don't know of anyone other than srelectronics making those at this time, and they are pretty

-- Darrell Spreen (dgspreen@aol.com), April 09, 2000.

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